How to connect an HDMI monitor to dwarf

How to connect an HDMI monitor to dwarf.

I want to connect HDMI to dwarf and watch live web-gui
I was using bluetooth and an ipad, but this breaks bluetooth.
So I would like to connect a monitor directly to dwatf, is this possible?
Or can I connect it to the ipad via wired (I could not do this)

No, the Dwarf does not have a video output. Everything goes over the virtual usb or bluetooth network device.

No way you can add a monitor, but if you look in the wiki (which you should do, anyway) you’ll find the directions to use a wifi dongle.

Unfortunately not all dongles are supported out of the box so use the search tool on the forum to find some other users experience

Also, keep in mind that having the web GUI opened will prevent you to change pedalboard/snapshot via midi (I know, this sucks bad)