HighPassFilter - MOD Devices

MOD Team

A simple high pass filter, "Freq" determines its cutoff frequency and "Order" the filter order (or how fast frequencies above the cutoff frequency will decay. Higher the order, faster the decay).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/plugins/aHR0cDovL21vZGRldmljZXMuY29tL3BsdWdpbnMvbW9kLWRldmVsL0hpZ2hQYXNzRmlsdGVy

Great for cutting down the rumble & mud
in the low end frequencies of a board.
See http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm
to see the lowest frequency your inputs can do.

IMO High Pass Filters are not used enough. I put it at the end set to 20 or 25 hz just to make sure some strange thump doesn’t go through. It helps keep headroom in your amp which means more clarity.