GxAmplifier-X - MOD Devices

Guitarix team

This plugin is the combination of guitarix's head, tonestack and cabinet, which, in that order, composes the signal path. In the tube-amp part, "PreGain" corresponds to the gain used at the amp input, "Drive" controls the power amp gain, "Distortion" is a blend between clean and distorted sound (lower boundary is all clean, upper boundary all distorted) and "MasterGain" controls the output gain. Mainly, the responsible for the signal distortion are "PreGain" and "Drive" parameters. Besides that, there is a list of possible valve combinations so you can vary your distortion. At the Tonestack part, we find a basic equalization set ("Bass", "Middle", "Treble" and "Presence") and a list of tone-responses from a few well-known amps, you can check this list in the link at the end of this description (there might be some version differences). Finally, at the Cabinet path, we have "Cabinet", which corresponds to another output gain, it doesn't distort the signal so it can be used as a Master output and there's another list, containing a virtual sound of the cabinet of speakers selected (more details in the link below). Based on: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/guitarix/index.php?title=EnhancedUI https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/guitarix/index.php?title=Tonestack https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/guitarix/index.php?title=Cabinet_Impulse_Response_convolution

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/plugins/aHR0cDovL2d1aXRhcml4LnNvdXJjZWZvcmdlLm5ldC9wbHVnaW5zL2d4X2FtcCNHVUlUQVJJWA==

I think the sound of this plugin is lackluster compared to the Guitarix application itself … Does that make sense?


is it possible to load consumer IR’s…?
…if not, any plans for that?

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