Footswitch display

I am finding the screens on the footswitch hard to see as the contrast is set too low from the factory. Is there a way of changing the contrast? If not, could the contrast be adjusted on the next footswitch update?



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Hi @Timmyd,

I’ve sent you an email.


Thanks Mauricio for the quick response and hands on solution. Soldering iron is ready!

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can I also get the contrast mod?

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I’ve sent you a message with the info.

Is this still the official way to change the contrast on a footswitch? I recently got one but the screens are barely readble compared to the mod duo displays.

I tried the hardware fix but alas, to no avail. The contrast is still very low, barely readable… I did make contact regarding possibility of firmware update but haven’t heard anything since a brief reply.


I’d be happy to recieve the info aswell.
I already turned down the brightness of the MOD, adding a bit more brightness to the footswitch would match them up pretty good.
Thank you!

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Hmm, that’s a shame…The only reason to use a control chain footswitch over a midi pedal was the display.

I just posted about this in the “Bugs” forum. Sorry, didn’t see this thread.

What’s the solution? ModDevices is having a sale which includes the footswitch. Has this been resolved in current units?

Does anyone know if the new expression pedal uses the same LCD screen as the footswitch?

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All the MOD footswitches have the same contrast. There is no difference if the footswitch is bundled with a Duo or not.
The expression pedal is under development. For updates please watch the MOD website.

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Hello @Jakob,

thanks for keeping us updated.

Greetings and God bless you, Marius

Does anybody have an update or workaround for this?
I’m kind of used to the fact that I can’t use the screens on my footswitch, but it’s a bit of a shame.

Here’s a view of my pedal board for reference:

As you can see, the main mod display is perfectly readable (brightness at 50%), but footswitch display is virtually impossible to read.

It’s made worse by the viewing angle on the displays - they are best viewed from beneath, and the contrast drops to zero quite fast when viewed from above. Unfortunately when this is mounted on a board in a live situation, I am almost always looking from that kind of angle, unless I step back from the board.

Perhaps there’s something wrong with my footswitch? Or is this how it is for everyone?

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Mine looks the same.
@dwek I’d also like to try this hardware fix that was mentioned earlier.

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Please, can you provide some advice? I have the contrast problem with my footswitch left display ver. 0.4.1. I just couldn’t get how to fix it. Thanx!

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Yeah, same problem here with the left display of the footswitch. Even after the latest update to 0.4.1. I have no idea how to fix that.

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I believe that I got back to you on this issue on the other thread :wink:
We will get back to you on support soon.

Hi @jon I have the same problem. Would it be possible to write up an article on the wiki at wiki dot moddevices dot com (I had to circumvent the no links restriction :slight_smile: ). This way everyone with the same problem gets the solution immediately.
If not can you send me the solution? Thanks


Starting with a real comment, this was pretty smart workaround on the post :slight_smile: Anyway, I raised your trust levels so you must be able now to post any link :wink:

On the actual question: not really because this is an hardware issue (basically some resistor got broken). Please write to with the issue and the serial number of the Footswitch. I will probably be the one answering you, but this helps us keeping track of the issues.