Finally received my Dwarf!

Hi all!!

Great day for me, I finally received my MOD Dwarf (technically it arrived some weeks ago, but it was shipped at my old address so I had to wait to get my hands on it).

What to say… I haveto admit I have been quite skeptical about the project more than once, but seeing that the company went through with their promises makes me want to thank them wholeheartedly.

I’ll start digging into the device as soon as I can. For the moment I only could test the bare minimum.

That said, I have a couple of questions right now.

a) I remember there were some paid plugins given as benefit during the kickstarter. How can I activate them?

b) I had bought some plugins for my old Mod Duo. Can I “move” them on the Dwarf?

c) Most important, right off the bat the Dwarf tells me there’s a new firmware and wants to update, but nothing seems to happen. What can I do?


I see some serious fun in your future! Mine is setting under my desk right now and I don’t it have it fired up, but as I recall the notice is either accompanied by a popup or something in the lower right corner of the web interface turns into a button that you click on to start the process. It’s pretty straightforward but it can be confusing the first time you see it.

I don’t recall having any trouble using plugins on my dwarf - free or purchased - that I had used on my duo.

You’ll probably get detailed instructions today on how to do all this. I plan to fire mine up today and I’ll be doing some “retraining” (been out of the loop for a bit) today so I’ll check back. I’m betting that when I do you’ll already have gotten all the info you need.


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Yes, that’s the odd part. I did it, after all I had done it multiple times on my Duo, but the update never seems to complete. I have been able to install new plugins, though, so it’s not a simple network issue.

On this just DM me both devices’ serial number and I will take care of it. I admit that it may take me a bit because I still need to set up the tool for that on my computer, but at most you will just need to send me a couple of reminders after and I get it done :sweat_smile:

That’s weird…everything ok with your internet connection?
If yes, maybe try a manual update for now. You can download the MOD OS from here and on the Device Settings of the device proceed with a manual update.
Let me know if that fixes it.