Expression pedal update

If this is an unofficial sign me up list, then sign me up please!

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Previously communicated targets are not viable anymore. The $79 from the Duo times were even wishful thinking back then. It’s not supposed to generate extraordinary margin, but neither we nor sales partners can subsidize it. Likely the retail price needs to be 249€ or USD, but we plan special deals for the community.

Final decision is not made, as I’m still quoting various options for the pretty expensive but tank like mechanics, as well as for all the other parts, assembly and test. Still curious how much we can squeeze cost; our purchasing power is limited as well as the quantities compared to commodity pedals.

Adding USB support later is supposed also to bump quantity. Even though still niche, there is actually nothing that solid on the market with comparable flexibility AFAIK. Shall also give confidence, that it won’t become a stranded investment without a MOD processor. We are an open platform, not a walled garden.


@friedsilence : the change in price does not apply to original backers that already put down the $$ years ago during the original kickstarter campain, right ?

I did not ask for any of the upgrades (display, buttons) that are in the current design.

“The $79 from the Duo times were even wishful thinking back ten” … did you just admitted that we were simply lied to ?? If so, not cool … not cool at all :frowning:

I’m talking retail price here, so this doesn’t apply to backers. The scope creep is the result of various learnings along the way. While MOD could have shipped something very limited to backers in a maker-like fashion, it would not make sense as a retail product.

I was not at MOD back then when the $79 offer was made. Though my impression is, that it was a guess made by enthusiastic developers with best intentions, but in the absence of a concrete design or quotations. Would not call that lying, but I understand that one can feel cheated paying for that so long ago.


ok, thanks for clearing that up @friedsilence , i appreciate it


Thanks for the information.
Just to be clear, I didn’t know about the original price and for sure I don’t ask you to stay on it. I think that 249 euro is a normal street price for a good and programnable pedal but only if it has a supplementary usb interface.
Anyway I want to remain in the list, really interested and a must have for my Dwarf… not only… a re-edition of the external footswitch will be really appreciated

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Class compliant USB is a given, we have chosen the MCU accordingly and there is a solid USB-B port. The only thing is, that we’ll focus on CC first in firmware development, so it won’t come on the very first version but later updates.

Sorry for the crappy picture BTW, just saw all the dust after uploading from my phone.


$250 is a reasonable price, to be honest I was expecting more just due to the component quality.

I’ve been using a plastic moog expression pedal with a nektar sustain and it was like almost half of the cost you’re proposing and I don’t get cool assignable buttons or added functionality.

I’ve moved almost exclusively to USB midi/audio(if supported), so the class compliant USB is an awesome addition as that guarantees a spot in my set up basically until the end of time lol


idle pre-planning question…

do we know yet what, exactly, will be available in the editor for this device? i believe the hardware controls are:

  1. expression pedal (the tilting foot thingy) for plugin parameter control
  2. top footswitch for pagination
  3. bottom footswitch and switch under the pedal for plugin parameter control

so, with respect to the pagination in the device: do we know about the number of pages? sub-pages or not? …and anything else relevant to how the thing is implemented…

i’m planning future pedalboards, and trying to think about how much is realistically do-able with just Dwarf, MOD Footswitch, and MOD Expressison Pedal.

:thinking: :blush: :person_cartwheeling:


The hardware control are exactly like that @plutek.

Current alpha firmware supports up to 3 pages, no subpages. The aim is now to get this rock solid, also with multiple CC devices chained, incl. the MOD Footswitch or Arduino shield devices.

For beyond, I would filp the question around: what amount and organization of pages would be reasonable for you guys?


Believe it or not, I have to reschedule the Expression pedal assembly session to next week.

We cannot get to our office now. It’s located in the outlaying Berlin district of Adlershof, connected by “S-Bahn” commuter trains. Service is completey shut down by a nationwide strike. @jon tried alternative local transport options, which is pure chaos now and can take hours. We are working from home to not loose this time for the many other important topics on our agenda (AIDA-X release, Superbooth print deadlines, investment).



We’re getting really close, aren’t we! With the Dwarf, footswitch and expression pedal there are more possibilities than I could ever realistically use on one gig. With only the three devices I could cover just about anything I would use in one 50 minute/one hour set, and probably a four hour gig. Anything beyond that and I’d need to do a complete mental reset.

So in answer to Andreas’s question: three levels would be more than enough for me for the foreseeable future. And this is totally ignoring midi for now.

In short, the current firmware would keep me happy for now. I’d have to get awfully bored with the music before I’d be the least bit tempted to take a deeper dive into the effects chain.

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Hmm… The universe is conspiring against us once again. Or did it ever stop?


hi @friedsilence !

3 pages seems pretty reasonable… for me, that’s about what’s easy in terms of not getting confused or taking too much time to switch through them in performance. maybe 4, but i’d have a hard time with more than that. on the other hand, is there a “settings” section of this device available (perhaps with a long-press of the pagination switch)? if there is, could it have an option for users to set their preferred number of pages?

sorry to hear about the strike… that’s a pain! :stuck_out_tongue: we’ve got a federal employees strike here in Canada right now, which is causing chaos with tax filing, passport applications, etc., etc…

Could you add me to the list too please!



Definitely interested in expression control. Over midi atm the control is not smooth or natural enough for my liking, I’m hoping that with a dedicated exp this will solve that problem with some additional opportunities…

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Just did @ianr :wink:

@andybassdoyle I also dropped your name. It’s an informal list anyway :wink:

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Hi , can you put me down for an exp pedal too, please?

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Hi @jon , did I get on the informal list?