@James can you provide an update please + ETA
Not too much to update on right now
A second sample of the Enclosure Top was picked up today by UPS and is on it’s way to us
The PCB files are pretty much finalised
We are currently preparing a complete drawing package to send to the manufacturer to start producing some testing units (EVT) as soon as possible
edit: By testing units, I mean complete devices, not just the individual parts like we have been receiving before
I forgot to make an update when the new parts arrived so here it is.
The one on the right is the latest. We moved the footswitches over to the left so that there is enough space between them and the pedal so that your foot doesn’t get blocked. We also added an LED for the pagination button
I added some locator tabs to keep the footswitch from rotating while assembling
This locator hole only allowed for one brand of potentiometer
So I extended it vertically to allow for different models while still restricting rotation
Here’s how it looks with the pedal on. There will also be grip on the pedal. Likely PVC grip tape
Another side by side of the changes
This was to show that there is still plenty of support underneath to the left of the footswitch so it will not flip when you press it. ft. @jesse’s head
The design files have been sent off for quotation for the first batch. Looking forward to getting some working assembled units
The expression pedal will include @jesse’s head?!
Uau! You guys will get an expression pedal that really knows everything about the MOD platform
How I can book one?
I’m not in pre order,just waiting fir Dwarf
I’m also in the “the please take my money” category.
“will work for expression pedal”
I love the enthusiasm
Though I think this time we should wait until it’s available before making any presales. We owe enough devices as it is haha
Perhaps when it’s ready we can make it available to you guys before it goes public. I can’t make any promises though, it’s not my place to make those decisions
Looks Great!!!
Meanwhile, you or some other one can create a list of interested people … country me in…
I can take care of that list
I am also interested in the expression pedal, so feel free to add me to that list as well.
Thanks, King.
Can’t wait for this expression pedal! If there’s a waitlist, put me down!
Yes sir. Already did it
What’s the retail price of the pedal? And what are the additional features over a conventional pedal (what do footswitches, display and leds do)?
me too…