Don’t know if its the right place to post my question, cause I’talk about not only software, but also hardware …
I’m an artisan in building tube amps for instruments ( electric & acoustic guitar, bass and harp particulary … ) . My goal is to integrate effect in some of my products .
Is there plans to improve Mod Duo in other ways than pedalboards ? If yes, is it possible to be active in the developpement in such solution (even if I’m not an expert in digital electronic ) ?
My idea was to integrate sound processor in the amp while commands would be out of he box, and eventually wireless ( bluetooth, wifi or other …)
To be more explict : I’m building tube-amps for musical instruments in an artisanal way ( all handwired, crafted,etc …) to purpose hight-end products, but at hight-end industrial prices …
I would like to also purpose some amps with embeded effects, and with open-sources if possibilities …
In a first time, I contacted Daniel James at 64Studio, as this team seemed to work now on commercial embedded stuff like on Harrison’s ones . So he gave me contact to Gianfranco Ceccolini, and his Mod project …
Mod-Duo seems to be now mature for the consumers market . But I think it needs some improvement and adaptations to be used in the way I thought it, as embedded effect processor
It’s in this way I’m volunteer to participate in this adapation work …
Hi @Wunic, your amps look VERY cool. Good stuff! Maybe the Axoloti fits your bill… with some adaptations it can give your amps some unique features. You can find the project here:
Thanks for your reply and your compliment Eggsperde !
And yes, the axoloti project could be a cool feature in an amp . I didn’t know it … I just visit the site and saw the guitar-multieffect demo and I’m impressed !
But, in my mind, Mod-Duo is a better and mature choice, as it seems I can voice some effects before the preamp ( like gain, compressors, & filters ones ), and the others between preamp and power amp, like in an effet loop for modulations and delays ones, with its 2 inpouts & outputs …
As described, and if I’m not wrong, the axioloti seems to haven’t this possibility … and Mod-duo is really rich of all Linux native Ladspa, LV2 etc plugins !
But I don’t forget it and keep it in my minds … Thanks again for this info !
I agree with you, @wunic, the MOD Duo is more feature-rich, simpler to use and seems to have a bigger community. But it is a finished product, directly ready to use… what would be the benefit to have it inside the amp? People who want a MOD Duo and a WUNIC amp, could just get them individually without losing anything.
But maybe I overlook something. Do you need the full flexibility of the Duo or do you just want to offer a few separate effects?
Many musicians ( particulary guitarists ) have amps with effect loop . And many ones say it’s better to have some effects type before the preamp ( gains, filters …) and others in the effect loop, between preamp and power amp to have the best results …
It’s not my problematic as a poor guitarist, as I use very rarely effetcs, but I know some ones, they have to be engineer to install all their stuff with many external wires …
My goal was to purpose integrated effect ( perhaps as option ) to suppress a maximum of external wires . And the Mod-duo flexibily and potential with all linux plugins would be a great choice if adapted in this way .
But axoloti could be great too ( as a stereo processor, it also have 2 inpouts & outputs ), and perhaps with better performances as a dedicated system , but will not benefit of the Mod-duo plugin and communities wealthes …
A other option you may consider is Bela
While I consider the MOD is a great peace of hard and software, I go confirm with @eggsperde, the MOD is a finished product, ready to use as it is. It isn’t designed to be embed into a other system, and may be a overkill for your needs.
Bela is developed to be embedded into a system, like you describe above. You could even include two of them for pre/post processing.
Ah, I see where you are coming from. Maybe the MOD team could sell you a couple of parts which you could assemble/integrate yourself… ?
The BELA could indeed be a better option: You could pre-program three or four effects and have a rotary switch to loop through them and some more encoders to adjust the effect-specific parameters. This should not be too hard to do. Something like the Hotone Xtomp, just with a very limited set of effects and an analog switch to cycle through them.
Yes, Brummer, I’m conscient mod duo is, at now, a ready to use product . That’s why, I ask if there were plans to develop it in others ways and if possibilities to participate to …
And as artisans amp builders are really in number, Mod-duo could, by this way, enlarge significantly its market place, and become an hight-end classic reference
Yes, too, Eggsperle : about Mod-duo I thought to embed it entirely in the amp head, and just export in its box ( or a custom one ) commmands, controls and visualisation via Wifi, bluethooth, or other radio frequencies (if possibilities ) …
And If Mod-duo accept to sell me just necessary to try to realize that, it would be simply great !!!
I just visit the bela site, and even if this project seems to be very young, is very interessing too, with a linux OS, perhaps allowing the use of LV2 plugins … But not sure : they given’t so much details, and haven’t yet replied to my questions …