Dear people
I’m new to the forum and also new to the Dwarf mod.
Is there already a digital image of the EHX C9 or another way to conjure up Hammand organ sounds from the mod Dwarf?
best regards
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Well, depends on the context.
If you wish to generate it with a guitar, it will be a bit complex, stacking CV/synth modules, octavers and filters and such…
Check out this page to see how far “guitarsynths” can go!
If you want to generate them with the press of a key on a keyboard, you can upload “sound font files” to your Dwarf and play them using a midi controler. A sound font is like a text font; a bank of all notes, represented as samples. A keypress represents playing a certain sample
I find the setBFree consumes too much CPU ( talking about the midi organ, I presume that’s why it stays in the beta store)…
I use a fluidsynth organ and the setBfree leslie plugin.
Actually, with the OBXD synth or the dexed synth you can create reasonably close hammond sounds, and then add a spring reverb, overdrive and the setBfree leslie.
That setup will already sound better then 90% of the allround synths who have a stock hammond sound. (mainly because of the SetBfree leslie emulation is really good, mod has a really good spring reverb convolution loader and alot of overdrives to choose from)
Thank you for the tips. It’s more complicated than expected. I want to create the sounds with the guitar and not with a Midi controller, which is probably quite easy.