Dwarf triples the tempo when MIDI-synced externally

I’m trying to make Dwarf to follow the tempo of my Arturia Beatstep Pro. It does, but the BPM is always 3x of the Beatstep value (or 280 if BSP is above 93). I tried both USB-A and MIDI TRS ports - same result.

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Hey @xko,
It sounds like you have the MIDI clock send and receive both enabled on the beatstep and simultaneously you have the same settings on the Dwarf, so both devices are sending and receiving clock simultaneously.
Can you confirm if that’s the issue?

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I have disabled “send clock” on Dwarf. Beatstep doesn’t seem to have separate setting to disable receiving, but it’s sync source is certainly set to “int”. The issue is still there.
Also this happens even if they are connected with only one TRS cable: BSP out → Dwarf In (I beleve in this case Dwarf cannot send anything at all to BSP, can it?)

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Ok this is suspicious because the BSP uses MIDI TRS Type B and the Dwarf uses Type A. I would guess that MIDI wouldn’t work at all in this case, tho. Unless you’re using a polarity flipped cable, which I would assume you may have mentioned if you were.

Also, are you sending anything to the MIDI loopback port? That will at least double your clock. Will triple it if two sources with clock are fed into it.


Yep, I know about the difference - I soldered my own A-B cable :slight_smile:
But loopback - yes! Great guess! I’ve put “Midi event filter” before LB output - fixed it instantly.
Thanks a lot!


Hell yeah ninja cable making! I was lazy and just threw $14 at a premade adapter cable.

Glad event filter before loopback solved it! MIDI POWER!


Yeah ) But I didn’t know back then, that USB also works for MIDI - settled with it after all. This way Dwarf also power the BSP - neat single cable setup :grin:

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