Dwarf reboot

and I hope you are part of it, $150 poorer or not! :wink:

With the warmest regards from the now frigid banks of Rideau River. (Pun not intended)


What’s the current status for Tier 3 backers?
Sorry for my ignorant question, I only check back from time to time and I still don’t seem to receive update emails. :wink:

No worries about the question.
Are you up to date with the 150€ deal?
We have been shipping a lot of units with that (today/this week we should ship a fairly big batch more)

About 2 weeks ago I finally filled out the survey saying that I would do the extra 150 for the voucher to finally get my tier 3 Kickstarter Dwarf founder version or whatever. A link was displayed after I filled out the form that I am glad I bookmarked, because I can’t seem to find a way to navigate to it from the main Mod site. Immediately after filling in the survey, it had a buy button. After I left work for the day I went back to the link and it’s listed as “out of stock.” I’ve checked back every few days since and it’s always listed as “out of stock.” Am I missing something?

hi @anrque

the founders edition is indeed out of stock. More units will come by mid April

@gianfranco Is the survey still active ?
After having my ModDuoX bricked on an update (:sob: troubleshooting undergoing though :pray:), I understand the company focus is not there (and I hope it does not move away from dwarf too soon also :sweat_smile:).
However as the expression pedals seem to come along, I feel maybe it’s time I order the Dwarf as I was also in that Kickstarter campaign.
So I think a survey would be the way to go right ?

A year on, is there any hope, yet, for those of us who would like to receive our Founders’ edition pedal without spending an additional 150 Euro?