Dropping a plugin on top of a cable

Hi everyone,

I think I already once mentioned this, but I am unable to find it again.
It would be cool when building a pedal board to be able to drop a plugin on top of an existing cable in order to insert it directly, rather that having to disconnect the cable and redo the connection by hand.

We could have the cable highlighted when hovering the plugin on top of it so that the user know that if they release the button at that time, the cable is going to be split and both ends connected to the default input/output of the plugin.

Conversely when deleting a plugin, it could be useful to splice the two cable connected to its default input/output (at least in the case where it’s obvious)


Conversely this wouldn’t work at all for stereo cables, which breaks the flow for ~50% of cases.
Likewise there are plugins with many more inputs, so how would you know which one to connect? If it auto-connects the wrong cable (or only mono) then it’s still extra work to recover this mistake.

You still have the option NOT to drop the plugin on top of the cable (hence the necessity for the cable to be highlighted when the cursor is right on top of it). In that case, you keep the current behaviour.

That would mainly be useful for obvious plugins like simple input/output pedals, or gains, or things like that.

For stereo, there could also be a midway zone where both cables get highlighted.


I don’t see the plugging of a new pedal to be an operation that takes too long - it’s not a problem for me, I’d rather have to do it manually than not have control over what a system thinks I should do if I happen to put a pedal in a certain position.


I love this idea. Would save a lot of finicky click-and-dragging when trialing various similar pedals.

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Actually this behaviour could be optional and activated in the options menu


Saved as a request to think about in future improvements of the platform :wink: Thanks @Azza