
I can give it a try.

From what I am seeing at a glance, you can’t modulate a parameter with 2 sources.

However, you can work around that by using a secondary LFO to modulate the main LFO.

The module itself does offer a phase angle control.

I wonder if a “CV signal blender” plugin could be made to offer more control.

Let me experiment today. Wife and I are waiting for zelda to drop tonight so we are having an “art day” together lol

Edit: I have my livestreaming setup working like a champ, I may do some pedalboard livestreams next week where people can pop in and ask me to experiment lol


Found an irritating assignment issue with the LFO. The controls can’t be assigned to the pots when tempo is assigned to musical tempo.

Is that the expected behavior @falkTX?


I believe that is sadly the case with most time syncable fx. However I think you can work around it by saving the different configurations as snapshots and toggle between them this way.


Man, that is a major headache lol

My brain doesn’t connect Hz to musical timing. Hopefully that can be added or corrected. It seems like having assignable musical tempo might cater to musicians lol

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I still have the old version loaded… how do I update the plugin?

couldnt you make a mono version and a stereo version?

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Do you see a parameter named Spread and Reverse?