[DEMO] Soul Rush Analogue AH&T - MOD Devices


This pedalboard was built to showcase the new Soul Rush Analogue Acid House & Techno plugin. The first page gives you access to play/pause, tempo, swing, mutes, delay and flanger send effects and pedalboard snapshots. The second page gives you controls to change the sounds that the Soul Rush plugin makes: you can change the clap and open hat samples as well as the speed and length of the clap, snare, open hat and closed hat. The plugin presets are also mapped so that you can get a big tonal variation with a single button press. The third page has controls for setting up your send FX. The left display is completely dedicated to the delay and the right display contains flanger controls as well as a subdivision control for the delay. We hope you're enjoying this new release, let's see what you wonderful people can come up with!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com//pedalboards/5d936c882564d46f59dbf13c