Darkglass Distortion for Bass

Sharing my first capture based on the Darkglass Neural DSP plug in for BASS.
Halogram - Darkglass Distor.json (53.4 KB)


Very nice! Alread hoped for someone to capture this! Thank you!
Could you maybe also share a few infos about the pedal parameters?
What dataset did you use for the training and what was your final esr?

I’m currently trying to model my VT-Bass and while it sounds quite good there is definitly some space for improvement.

Its a capture of the B7K pedal. Here is an screenshot of the parameters, I haven’t use any cab.
About the training I didn’t paid attention of the final esr. I just used the default options that the website had. I didn’t make any change as I have no idea what those options are for :sweat_smile:
Hopefully people will start releasing video tutorials and I will be able to investigate further :slight_smile:
Here you can hear the difference of the original and the capture. There is definitely also space for improvement. Cheers!
Audio comparison Original vs Capture


Wow, thanks a lot! I ordered a bass and I will get it next or the week after next week and will test it then. I am looking forward to it!


(breathes a HUGE sigh of relief )


Can’t wait to try it out!

Awesome !!!
Now I’ll just have to wait un till tonight to test it out with my new Hard Puncher …

Damn as soon as I plugin AIDA X I hit 86% on CPU :frowning:
Not sure this is going to viable in a live pedalboard

What other plugins are you using? AIDA is heavy so you’re going to need Portals in combination with other expensive effects.

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This was my first capture, with the default settings. I will make more with lighter training and see if I can get good results with less CPU. At the moment I am using this capture just with a IR loader and EQ without any problems in my board.

I’ll try a blank one to see.

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Use the portal plugin!

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I finally tested it. Sounds great! On my Dwarf, a full board with Gate, Dynamic pedal, Aida-x with the Halogram - Darkglas Distor, and the MOD Bass Cabinets runs nicely at 52% CPU. Doesn’t look like a particularly heavy capture to me