COZMIC asynchronous delay lines

HI, If anyone is interested: modgui added.
COZMIC inspired by Soma Labs Cosmos


Hi, is this going to be pushed to the beta section of the plugin store or do I need to do something with Console to get it into the plugin section of my Dwarf? Looking forward to trying it—

See the post for the ExpressionRamper as Jacube explains how to get into the Dwarf to drop these plugins in.

I followed his directions and was up and running in minutes.

It worked for all of Zwabos amazing plugins too

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And on a Mac terminal if you’re OSX :

  scp -rp <path to zwabo-cozmic.lv2> root@

• Enter password “mod”
• Reboot Mod Dwarf

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A very good plugin! Thank you. :wave:
Are the different firmware versions planned?
Is a duox version also planned?

The audio converters and the op-amps are recommended.

It uses top-class Cirrus Logic audio converters and Burr-Brown’s famous
operational amplifiers that are highly regarded in the audiophile community.

Thanks Khz,
Another firmware would be another plugin, so…who knows.
Possibly available for duox if MOD helps me to push it to Beta.

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have finally got round to using this on a board and holy shit is it cool! I’ve assigned a couple of the functions to CV things to randomise them (reverse and record) and am using a button on the DuoX to scroll through the octave selection switch to make weird noises.

I can’t find any way to actually clear what’s in the buffer aside from rebooting the machine, but that just means I treat it like I’m creating samples from weird cut-up bits of random stuff. It’s making noises like I’ve never heard before :slight_smile:

This is absolutely the superpower of the MOD platform - not relying on a closed set of features from even the amazing pedals by Chase Bliss and Red Panda, instead being able to control things in crazy ways to make utterly unique sounds. I’ll see if I can post a soundclip soon…


Hi Steve,

In fact, to clear the buffer, there is the reset parameter and the fade out button. but for the buffer to empty, you have to wait for the duration of Time. I haven’t yet figured out how to empty it instantly.

But then sometimes it’s nice to play randomly with the RESET parameter.
So at last I don’t know if I have to consider this as a bug or a feature…


ah, I’ll have to see if I can document what I’ve got happening, cos I think there’s something that I’m doing that makes the buffer persistent after reset/fade. It’s probably some interaction with the various bits that I’m automating :slight_smile:

Like you, I don’t mind it, it adds a bunch of random stuff into the mix, which is a lot of fun! Talking of Random, I have questions about the ztutter, but I’ll see if there’s another thread for that :slight_smile:


Haven’t tried this pedal, but have been trying to figure out how to instantly clear a buffer in gen for ages.

The issue is (I think) that you have to record silence into the buffer, at least a single sample before the current read sample.

That is a bit beyond my programming capabilities, so my workaround is to take the mod white noise generator, turn the volume all the way down and plug it into the gen pedal. Depending on how fast the pedal responds you can fairly quickly silence the effect. You can maybe make it even faster by reducing the delay time.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the tip, I’l give a try…