the ALO plugin now has (imperfect) support for using MIDI note messages to enable/disable loops, as an alternative to using control ports.
This leads me to two questions: from with the plugin code (C program in my case)
Is it possible to toggle a UI switch/port-value?
Is it possible to detect whether or not a port is connected to an actuator?
January 7, 2019, 8:56am
Hi @devcurmudgeon ,
I think, the LV2 specification states somewhere, that Plug-ins must not change their own control input ports. But I could not find it quickly to point you there.
My answer is:
No, not with mod-host. That would be an LV2 extention.
Happy new year!
OK, thanks. So i think that means no way to make the UI reflect state based on the midi input messages… never mind.
Happy New Year to you too
January 8, 2019, 4:01pm
@devcurmudgeon Take a look at the x42-stepsequencers or the x42-autotune, they both provide visual feedback from the plugin code.
This link is probably interesting to you too: http://moddevices.com/ns/modgui/#MonitoredOutput
Hope that helps!
Thanks, I’ll check those out