Controls Bluguitar Amp1

Hello, excuse me.
I, too, am a fan of Amp1.
I can’t get the CC output in Dwarf to work, PG has no problem. (I am able to use Midi Learn in Amp1.)
I am sending directly to midi out via CC in mindi, but it doesn’t work.
Is there any way to do this?

Parameter Control Change No. (decimal values) Control range
2nd master volume CC 007 up to -10dB
Gain / Clean Volume CC 020 infinitely variable 1 to max.
Power soak* CC 030 0.15 to 2 watts / 7 to 100 watts*
FX loop CC 040 <64 = off / ≥ 64 = on
Reverb CC 050 <64 = off / ≥ 64 = on
Boost CC 060 <64 = off / ≥ 64 = on

Please remember me

Please, could you elaborate better your problem? Can you explain what are you trying to do, how things are connected, what hardware are you using, what are you expecting to happen? Don’t assume we all know what Amp1 or PG mean.

My apologies.
I was controlling a floor type amp called Bluguitar Amp1 via MIDI from a dwarf.
It is possible to MIDI learn with a PC. (Preset switching).
I can fine tune the tone with CC, but the CC signal does not work.
It is connected to Dwarf’s MIDI OUT with a cable and returned to Amp1 with a dedicated MIDI interface.
The signal is sent by the infamous mindi.

Thank you for your suggestion.
Sorry for my poor English.

Look at this topic I was having similar issues due to the way midi ports are memorized on pedalboards

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Sorry, problem solved.
My model is older and only had limited CC available. My apologies.


Glad you got it fixed! Would you mind providing more detail on what you figured out?

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Of course.
I am using an early model called the Silver Edition.
The one sold today is called the Mercury Edition.
CC 60 Boost on/off
CC 50 Reverb on/off

This command was not reflected in my Silver Edition.
Power Soak.
As for the 2nd gain, it was reflected in mindi’s cc signal with no problem.

Sorry for the trouble.

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Thanks for the summary! If I understand correctly, you just needed to adjust the CC numbers because you had a different model of Amp1?


It means that there were some CC programs (Boost, Reveb, fx loop) that I couldn’t use because of the different models of Amp 1.
I was trying Boost.

I am Japanese, but I am not familiar with English, so I am using Deep l to translate.
Sorry if my English is strange.


Oh, I understand now. Thanks for clarifying :grin:

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