Thanks Marc!
This was the full set up on the track, minus the six4pix CV.OCD (midi to CV converter)
And this was the patch for the strega.
The Strega is the primary synth, being sequenced by the 0-ctrl in the key of G major. I actually used the dwarf tuner to dial in the 0-ctrl since it has to be manually tuned.
I’ll be honest that the strega is a very obtuse piece of gear on its surface, but it goes deep if you spend enough time with it. All of that atmosphere came from the strega itself.
The tracker handled the drums and the whistle sounds which were also tuned for G major.
I did some audio trickery to get as much noise out of the box that I could.
I ran 3 lanes in my mixer, one each for the tracker, strega, and dwarf.
I used a send out from my headphone lane to pump the audio from the tracker into the strega. The external audio in on the strega gets run through and modulates the filter, which is why the glitchy sounds when I engaged the touch patch points on the strega seemed to be rhythmic.
Then I used my out #2 send lane to get the combined audio from my strega into the dwarf running a single instance of the RMPro plugin with full stereo separation to add a bit more width.
I kept the dry signals of the tracker and strega centered in the mix and layered the dwarf slightly under them in the mix to fill the edges of space.
I’m struggling with a good EQ mix. I seem to drown my mids out, but I record flat and let the listener EQ the track to their liking. I’ve self taught myself as much as I can and I’m limited on time to dedicate to learning how to master a track lol
I am so itching to get my duox for the CV abilities. There are CV plugins that will be super powerful for my setup. I keep finding myself frustrated by the lack of CV modulators in my set up, as I’m too poor to afford the modular system I want lol
One of the pieces of kit I’m going to be experimenting with this weekend is my six4pix noodlebox, and it is essentially 4 assignable cv sequencers in an etch-a-sketch style format. All of the CV is assignable, so theoretically I can just program my own modulations. I just need practice.
The manual is as helpful as a hole in the head though.
Sorry for the wall of text, seems that I have gotten more nerdy about my setups and how they all work as I get further along this journey lol
Hope all is well!