Companion plugin for external MIDI control buttons

@njsiva, I have built the latest version (commmit 313035b878ea802519efd514d4566e4a08bd33bf) and successfully installed and used iton my dwarf. I can successfully load it in a pedalboard and assign toggles to both HMI buttons and MIDI CC, and it is working as expected.

Great job.


I tried to build it but without success… could you share the .lv2 folder ?

You can find it here: control-button-board_DWARF.tgz - Google Drive

and this is what i did to build (on mpb docker)

cd mod-plugin-builder/plugins/package/
git clone
cd ../../
./build moddwarf-new control-button-board
file /root/mod-workdir/moddwarf-new/target/usr/local/lib/lv2/control-button-board.lv2/ 
cp -vr /root/mod-workdir/moddwarf-new/target/usr/local/lib/lv2/control-button-board.lv2/ /home/giorgio/
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Thank you so much @Zavorra

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Nice, works perfectly.
@Zavorra Thanks
@njsiva Thanks a lot, a great help to save space on my main PB.


… much cleaner and 10% less cpu !
Thanks again njsiva.



That is awesome! Many thanks for sharing.
But it looks like the modgui folder didn’t get copied over in the docker build. All that time I spent building the UI :laughing: .
I have to fix the makefile. I am assuming all those tuna tins are this plugin.

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Your modgui folder added. Thanks again.


…what a complex pedalboard… :fearful:

Not so much, it’s a double PB for electric and acoustic guitars. the cable salad seems messy with all the vol plugins, but it’s just because all time effects are used wet with bus sends like in a mixer setup.

I really need to continue that mixer alternative that has proper send fx :#


The git repository now has a binaries folder with the plugin built for dwarf and duox.

Here is my son’s signal chain with my midi controller using the plugin.

Crybaby → fush (a sort of fuzz pedal) → duox → stereo balanced TRS outs to mixer out to katana power amp to physical cabinet.


I’ve tried, but could’nt find the solution to put your plugin on my moddwarf using my Mac M1. I will wait that it appears on the Beta Plugin to test it.

On a Mac, open terminal,

scp -rp <path to .lv2 folder> root@
  • Enter password “mod”
  • Reboot Mod

Thanks, i’ve tried and have this curious message :

scp: realpath /root/.lv2/control-button-board.lv2: No such file

scp: upload “/root/.lv2/control-button-board.lv2”: path canonicalization failed

scp: failed to upload directory /Users/remy/Downloads/control-button-board.lv2 to /root/.lv2

I succeed in using this :
ssh -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@

A minor bug : When i want to edit the CV Ports Name, the text diseappears.

Same problem here, you just have to select all the label space to see something…
@ njsiva
small bug, the CV text label is white on white.


Thank you @zwabo @Remy_D for reporting this. I will take a look soon.

This issue has been fixed now. Thanks again for reporting it.