Colombo Pedals - Plexi Breed, Lead Trilogy and Rocker 83

The Plexi Breed is not my cup of tea, but the other two sound cool. I’ll do some more testing, but I think I’ll buy at least one of them :+1:

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The same without Beta…


Pretty good results in a PA just with the Plexi Breed and the MOD Vintage Cab.


Got all three Colombo pedals last night. Only tried the Plexi Breed so far. I slightly prefer the 1959 and 1987 to the JTM so far, but I have only scratched the surface and I am excited to explore more.

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Really love these three pedals, really really nice distorted tones! I just felt 16 again, playing nirvanas in bloom in my first cover band:

Pedalboard on Dwarf, Buffer Size 256:


That sounds really impressive. :+1:

I asked Luca to post some :slight_smile:


This is so impressive! More pedalboards like that in future please!


Agree, a showcase of pedalboards like these is what is really needed for the average guy to fall in love with the dwarf


Definitely! I loved the tone!

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To be honest I am disappointed. I have tried the “lead trilogy” board, liked it, and bought the plugins (both colombo and Vibro) just to find that the paid version sounded different (well, didn’t sound at all TBH) because of the missing IR.

Now, I understand that IR may come from other sources and could not be redistributed, but it would be fair not use them in the demo version, or at least point out in the description where to buy them…


Try one of impulse responses of the free “faIR Modern Rock” Cabinet-Plugin. I really like “Green Case” or “Fly to fly” which combine actually quite good with the columbo pedals and, in my case, the alembic amp.

I bought also different third-parties from IR from cabir (Orange) or ownhammer but lastly I ended up using the Mod IRs.

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The IR from the shared pedalboard comes when you try it and stays there in the pedalboard, but hidden. You can still save and edit it the pedalboard and you just do not have access to the actual IR file.


Very good point, to which I fully agree! imo, demo boards like this should only use stock cabinets which come with the Dwarf without extra purchase.

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I can understand why and how it happens, neverthless it is both disappointing and unexpected to me having a different sound or no sound at all.
It would have been nice to have a disclaimer if some other commercial item is needed to achieve the same sound as the demo

BTW, after having replaced the IR with a similar one I think that the Colombo plugin really worth the expense.


Thanks for the feedback @Zavorra

I actually spoke about this with Luca and, as the file is shared together, we went in this direction. But the disclaimer is surely something to be added

Happy to hear :slight_smile:


I make my IRs with Cabinetron.

Another example for the Columbo Plexi Pedal, using basically the “Australian Rock” preset and standart MOD amp and cabs. Not exactly the ACDC sound, but close… perhaps other Pickups would do the thing. Dwarf, buffer size=256.