Cardinal Performance

I really like the ability to use Cardinal in my dwarf.

But alas, performance. I’ve tried this:

Even when removing the bottom two lines of this patch (2 voice only), it does not play without crackles and noise (100% cpu, all the time). I know that the dwarf is not my computer. But can it bear more than just one oscillator, filter, envelope and vca? How are your experiences, is it usable?

Any pointers very welcome!

Have you tried increasing the blocksize?


How does your MOD board look like?
perhaps you have some other plugins, besides the Cardinal?

In that case, Have you tried using the Portal plugin? It has a positive effect on your processor load

Introducing Portal

My board has just one plugin, Cardinal, so I guess Portal would not make a difference? I might have missed some other basic setting?

sorry, again. it helps a bit! but still not without crackles.

I never tried the effect with only one plugin to be honest.
Wouldn’t hurt to try but I would suspect is has minimal or no effect.

Though, a curious mind WILL try :wink:

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