Calf Monosynth - MOD Devices

Calf Studio Gear / Krzysztof Foltman

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Found a very strange bug on my MDX, that makes MIDI PORTS LIST interface useless when Monosynth is present on the pedalboard.

How to reproduce:

1) Create a new pedalboard.

Check MIDI ports:


Seems okay.

2) Add a Calf Monosynth plugin to pedalboard:

Check MIDI ports and find out that MIDI ports management lacks part of the interface buttons and starts to be useless:


Other details:

Rebooting device, reloading browser, changing browser to another one, removing cache and cookies - does not fix issue.

Only removal of the plugin + reloading MOD interface page in browser returns checkboxes/radiobuttons back.

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Likely it adds some css to the page that messes up the regular interface.

It’s still in beta for a reason :wink: