Building for Dwarf on Docker Mod-Plugin-Builder

I build for Duo on Docker Mod-Plugin-Builder image.
Is it possible to do the same for Dwarf?


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Yes, and DuoX as well.

With the image from cbix you need to specify which one you want to use: Docker


Maybe wiki has to be updated about this.


HI, I’m an aspiring developer here on macos m1
Trying to get the docker image, using the info here in this thread.
I get an error I dont understand

docker pull cbix/mod-plugin-builder
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: manifest for cbix/mod-plugin-builder:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

ah, the copy-able command on Docker was not complete!
had to be
docker pull cbix/mod-plugin-builder:moddwarf


Hi Paul, I’m also dipping my toe into Mac M1 based LV2 development. Did you get the cbix/mod-plugin-builder:moddwarf to work? I’m having some issues as described in Problems using mod-plugin-builder

Grab yourselves UTM and install a Debian vm through it. Works a charm


I’d not come across UTM before @micahvdm , what a great app!
From nothing to having a working Debian 11 VM (No MOD stuff installed yet) took only about half an hour!
I went for the AMD64 option, which will run a tad slower on my M1 but will hopefully minimize any MOD buildchain issues.

I’m using the arm64 on my side as pi-stomp is arm64 and so is mod dwarf. You won’t need to cross compile anything. I’m on a M2 MacBook Pro


thanks for the info on UTM!
I want to start developing soon, I havent even got a mod yet. Just want to set up the best possible toolchain in advance :wink:

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we’ll keep in touch here! I’ll start out with some opensource simpler stuff, but my final goal is to bring my commercial app to the MOD, which now is on iOS only.


So I’ve now an insalled Debian 11 ARM64 UTM vm and have been successful in installing/bootstrapping the mod-plugin-builder and been able to build some of the plugins. :slight_smile: Thanks again @micahvdm, I’ve a fair bit of experience of running Debian in a VM (Usually ProxMox on a remote Mac Mini Host) so I suspect I will get on much better with UTM than Docker (Of which I have little experience)


installed UTM, debian 11 on my m1
something stupid here: I’m in bash shell and I want to paste the clipboard content (clipboard looks allright)
ctrl-shift-v does not work
Any ideas?

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I found the same. The vm has an IP address and I just use my usual term emulator (iTerm2) to interact with it. I’ve also been able to connect in this fashion with the VSCode remote development extension.

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wow, those are things I know next to nothing about… Still figuring out what is the smartest route for me, I’m good enough in C++ and DSP, but my knowledge of linux is sub par…

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I’ve been playing with linux dev from a Mac for a few years but still am a linux n00b!
The definitive iTerm2 & Oh-my-ZSH Setup on macOS is one approach to getting a nice terminal setup. Kitty is another powerful Mac terminal emulator, but I find configuring it tricky.
I also use zsh and ohmyzsh on any linux box I am using with the Powerlevel10k theme and a NerdFont (*My favorites are FiraCode or JetBrains Mono *. If I want to go ‘full on terminal dev’ I install Neovim and then LunarVim on the linux box.
I generally use VSCode on the Mac and install the Visual Studio Code Remote Development extension. When you first connect to a server, it will download and install the VSCode stuff on the server and then you can edit stuff as if it were local! I kick off builds via a terminal tho I suspect it could be configured in a VSCode launch script.

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thanks for the pointers!
I have to play around with it as soon as I get my dwarf, it is all a bit abstract preparation on my side now… I cant choose yet between Docker or “Debian via terminal”.
If I understand correctly, with Docker I could just use a macos editor on a local file and then compile it in a Docker container. So I wouldnt need to do the whole bootstrap thing in the first place.

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I don’t have these issues on my side, did you use the Debian prebuilt from utm? If you look on the page for the download, there’s some commands for getting the shared stuff working. I copy from macOS and paste straight into the Debian terminal…

Edit: Linux | UTM Documentation

Follow this^


thanks for the link!
I’ve checked the spice stuff that governs the clipboard sharing (spice-vdagent): installed it, but it allready was up to date.
so ctrl-shift-v not working is kind of odd.
I have installed the UTM preconfigured image “debian 11 (LDXE)”

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Can you copy text from Debian to Mac? Shut the vm down and check through the settings of the Debian instance, there’s an option for clipboard sharing

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the clipboard is shared actually , i can see that in the clipboard manager in Debian. it is just that the keyboardshortcut doesnt work, so I can’t paste in bash…

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