BUG: Active/Assigned Parameter "Mixing board" Icon Not Correct


When clicking on the setting/edit option of a plugin there is a “mixing board” icon for each parameter. Typically they are purple/white when assigned and black/white when not assigned. I recently noticed that some parameter’s were black/white (indicating that they aren’t assigned) when in actuality they were assigned–making it difficult to clean up/minimize/organize my Dwarf interface. I hope this makes sense.

How to reproduce

  1. Replace this text with a step by step breakdown of how to reproduce this issue (add more steps if you want)

Expected/suggested solution

Replace this text with how you would expect this to work.

Additional information

Open the controller menu (hold left knob down), navigate to Info > Versions and write down here the version.

  • release:

Also provide some information about your system if possible.

  • Operating system: (Linux, Mac or Windows)
  • System version: (Windows 10 or Mac 10.10, etc)

It would probably be useful to know what plugins, what parameters, what they are set to, as well as which release of the Dwarf software - the guys need to be able to reproduce the error, so the more details the better. Maybe even share the pedalboard!


While investigating something else we found something that could trigger this.
Are these parameters only visible on the settings screen? that is, the parameters are not there on the pedal GUI but are on the settings?

If that is the case, we have good news :blush: