Bluetooth problem

How is the development of moddwarf bluetooth connection? I’m asking because I tested 7 adapters (

from expensive to cheap), and only one worked. Despite having connected to Windows, I receive the following message when trying to connect to the moddwarf address: “The computer seems to be configured correctly, but the device or resource ( is not responding”.
The same thing happens on the cell phone, it connects but I can’t access the address… Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

Bluetooth uses as IP, not which is for USB.

On phones with Android you need disable both WiFi and mobile data in order for it to accept a connection to


Thank you for your help!
It doesn’t work on windows even with the correct ip address. It worked on android, but extremely slow, not usable… Only one of the 7 adapters tested worked, I used all three major browsers… Is it a defect in my unit?

wouldnt say it is a defect no, there are just too many different usb bluetooth sticks that supporting them all is near impossible.
and yes it is pretty slow indeed.

If possible please add information regarding the ones you tested to the wiki at Bluetooth - MOD Wiki

Latest macOS does not even support bluetooth network anymore, and due to its overall slowness we are moving away from using bluetooth.
The way to go next is using WiFi, hopefully we will have news on that by next release.