AX-Cloud: Grab your favourite models before it's too late!

Hi everyone,

I migrated my Tech21-VTBass to Tonehunt today, and thought it’s maybe a good idea to make a safety copy of all the amazing models currently on AX-Cloud, since there is a good chance not everyone will move their stuff to tonehunt too.
So for all the other AIDA-X users, take a look if there are any models you would miss when AX-Cloud goes down. :grin:

From my understanding, AX-Cloud uses the Tonehunt software, which is open source.

If that is the case, maybe a transfer of the full database can be made.

@spunktsch Would you guys consider something like this?

I believe the users would not object. I know I wouldn’t :slight_smile:

thanks for uploading the models to tonehunt.
Don’t worry we’ll keep a backup of models.

The aida-x cloud will be read only for a while until we shit it down. Depending of how many users reupload their models.


This would be possible but some stuff changed with the new version. So there would be a lot of manual work to tag and rename the models.

Plus as a side effect (and main benefit) that way we bring AIDA-X models to the frontpage and make it a little popular.

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Thanks @spunktsch

Hey @spunktsch
I would also like to upload the conditioned variant of my pedal. Is the VST Version of AIDA-X also capable to change the two generic parameters that are included in the MOD-LV2?

yes. All versions on all platforms have the same controls available.

Thank you!
Alright, it’s up. If anyone’s interested in trying a conditioned model here it is:

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