"Audio to CV Pitch" - can't use named CV port


I can’t seem to use a named CV port from the “Audio to CV Pitch” plugin to control another plugin’s parameter.

How to reproduce


  1. Move the Frequency control of “Test Tones” - note that the CV Meter shows changing values, so we know “audio to CV Pitch” is working and producing valid CV output.
  2. Assign the “Cv Pitch Out” to control the Expression parameter in Ewham - this doesn’t work (the Expression parameter doesn’t change when the “CV Pitch Out” changes).
  3. Instead, assign the “post meter” CV Port to control the Ewham Expression parameter - this works.
  4. Note that, if I replace the CV Meter with a CV Switchbox, the same thing happens - the CV Port output from the Switchbox is usable. So, the Audio to CV Pitch output looks like it just needs to run through anything else, to be assignable to another plugin’s parameter using the named CV port facility.

Expected/suggested solution

The “Audio to CV Pitch” CV Port output should be usable directly, rather than having to run through another plugin.

Additional information

  • release: 1.12.0 (Duo X)

  • Operating system: Linux

  • System version: Manjaro linux (kernel 5.11.4-1-rt11)

huh I recall fixing this exact issue…
or maybe it was very very similar


huh… i’ll await word…

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ok this is a different bug. previously we had the case of this audio-to-cv-pitch plugin not being able to enable the CV output for parameter control.

Fixed in Fix addressing CV out ports with name that start with "cv_" · moddevices/mod-ui@ad8815f · GitHub
Will be part of the next (final final) build.


…i can confirm it’s fixed in the 1.12 release version…
thanks, @falkTX !


Hello, I’m having a similar issue, I have two CV to pitch modules to use two different gates (I use two different gain modules to attenuate them at different speeds) and then use the gate to switch two different crossfades. The first one I setup works but when I added the second one it does work (both are added to the same module in the same way, the only difference is name of each. There are beta plugins but the error I get is on the audio to cvPitch and I can’t set the CV port names of the second module (I set it before saving initially and now it’s not there).

Any help would be appreciated,


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which plugin in particular has the issue?

you have both plugins and main system updated?


Thanks for the quick response. The CV is the gate out on the second “audioToCV Pitch” plugin (I have two that I want to use on two different Stereo X-Fade plugins) . The beta plugins are the Rakarrack OpticalTrem. I get the errors:
sprintf-0.6.js?v= Uncaught Too few arguments.
sprintf @ sprintf-0.6.js?v=
(anonymous) @ desktop.js?v=
(anonymous) @ desktop.js?v=
error @ desktop.js?v=
c @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
fireWith @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
k @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
r @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
send @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
ajax @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
save @ desktop.js?v=
send @ desktop.js?v=
JqueryClass.$.fn. @ modgui.js?v=
save @ desktop.js?v=
JqueryClass.$.fn. @ modgui.js?v=
Desktop.saveCurrentPedalboard @ desktop.js?v=
(anonymous) @ desktop.js?v=
dispatch @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
v.handle @ jquery-1.9.1.min.js?v=
_super.bugsnag @ buy-button-storefront.js?v=
when I try to save with the name in the second gate out if available or after I reload sometimes it’s just not available when I click “Manage CV Ports”. I’m on the newest version of everything (updated earlier today to see if that cause the issue and just received the box last Tuesday). I can send the sharable link to the pedalboard (but it says I can’t post link here?)


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posting links is not allowed for fresh users, @jon can help alleviating that

in any case, the issue for your case seems to be yet another one, will check on this check soon.


can you share links already @indeterminacy? I believe that your trust level should already allow it

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thanks, here’s the board TremShift - MOD Devices

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Thanks! I was able to reproduce the issue.
Adding a fix to v1.12.1, to be released very soon.

When you get the update, the assignment will still fail. Just readd the audio-to-cv-pitch plugin again and then it will work on the newly dropped plugin.


Works like a charm, thanks for the quick turn around.