Any CSS/Web folks who can help out a noob?

Ironically its called the infamous stuck and I’m stuck on trying to get the UI to work. Currently it looks like this:

Its a sound retainer/infinte sustain plugin. The last thing is trying to get the modgui like the native one. I need to move the audio jacks on the sides down somehow and get the knobs working. I have the knobs as svgs and could make filmstrips but I was hoping that perhaps the svg could be made to turn, but right now they don’t even show and I’m losing steam on this project.
If anybody could just look at the modgui code and give me a “hey dummy, do this” I’d really appreciate it and hopefully this will be in the store (for free) soon with others close behind. If you need any more info, just ask. Thanks.


The jack plugs should be just a css rule.
need to modify the ‘top’ to put it a little lower than normal.

knobs will be a little more tricky.
did you got any other svg to appear?

I found some jack plugs in the css but couldn’t seem to edit them properly. I wasn’t sure which was which thing either. and below has a bunch that seem like they could be.

The background is an svg and shows fine. I had the knobs showing but with that “no symbol” error I showed on IRC due to lurking ttl issues. Perhaps the next step for knobs is to generate a filmstrip (svg or png) and try that before trying to get fancy and rotate it in place.

This looks AWESOME!
Does it work like the EHX Freeze?
Will it freeze when the footswitch is pressed and release when lifting my foot? (I’m not sure if the Duo currently supports this… I know tap tempo is supported so maybe…?) :blush:

the best way for this for you will be to look up on other modguis and see how they do it.

I think you need these 2 properties :wink:

Regarding filmstrip, a png one might be better.
Rotating an svg sounds like an expensive operation…

I made it because I wanted an EHX freeze. Its not exactly the same, but the same idea. It doesn’t work as well as the freeze if you use very full 6 string chords, but for just a few strings, it works well and isn’t too CPU intensive. I’ve been really trying to get this in the store but it will probably still be a little while, especially with how quickly the UI development has been going. :frowning:

thanks again as always. I’ve been looking at mostly bolliedelay and the x42 plugins because they are more readable than the sdk generated ones. I’ll have to checkout the dpf too though.
I just finished filmstrips, so I might actually be able to test something tonight.

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ok, with filmstrips it seems to be working but the knobs only respond to the mouse if they are not actually on the background (so if I set left: 200px which is too large). If anybody can add further tips I’ll look at it more tonight. I’m really close.

and another update:
I had to set the z-index of knobs to 30, but I’ve found that the bypass doesn’t automagically use the port I’ve designated with lv2:enabled like I’d hoped so still a bit to do in webland.

Got it.
Turns out if you stay up late enough you can solve anything. :rolling_eyes:
Too late now to test tonight, but hopefully there will be a PR soon.

Does your plugin have a lv2:enabled port?
I can give you a test build with it implemented so you can prepare accordingly.

it does, but for now I worked around it by just not putting a bypass port on the modgui. So don’t worry about it. Thanks


there is a handful of people that are eager to try the Stuck

I am one of them :wink:

well, its been added in the unstable category today (though its not unstable), I will hopefully be fixing it up a little more in the next couple days.

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best news of the day!!!

I can’t wait to get my hands on this!

Any updates on Stuck?

its still in unstable, I have finished the improvements but haven’t made a pull request to update it in the store. I’m hoping to get a couple more of my plugins done before I do, but I haven’t had an hour to work on it for a week. Hopefully things will slow down a little soon.

I didn’t realize that it’s in the unstable list…
I just went in there and downloaded it. (from a remote connection from my work to home…) Will play with it when I get home.

cool. I’d love to hear what you think when you give it a whirl.

I tried Stuck for a little bit before heading out to play at a open mic. And I really like it.

I did find that I need to get a solid note/chord playing before I hit the button. Otherwise there is the possibility of a clicking noise.
I’m going to play with it for a bit more and let you know how it goes. But it immediately gave me ideas for song ideas and performance.