Analog/Acoustic bassdrum sound to control BPM. "Pitch/frequency controlled noisegate?"

Hi fellow modsters!
I love to follow the forum and I am constantly learning lots of new things. Proud to be part of this wonderful exploration of sonic possibilites!
My vision/wish is the ability to filter out bassdrum frequencie and utilize this to trigger bassdrum in midi and CV plugins and set global tempo.
I am inspired by the seamless merging and crossfading between my acoustic drumkit and hangdrum with the endless possibillites of time synced and automated sequences of effects, filtering, loops and samples.

Microphones for drumkit and hang going though RME interface and MDX as effect loop.

I see a possibility of using the TotalMix (RME software mixer) to isolate the bassdrum frequency through EQ in a separate channel out and feed it to the MDX, but then I loose one MDX input for just this channel. It would be great to use one pedalboard run multiple effects separated through “pitch or frequency controlled noise gates”
Anyone with experience and advice?

Love Imaginus


This might be a tricky one as plugins are not allowed to change tempo.
The only options for tempo sync are MIDI Clock and Ableton Link.

When midi-loopback is in place the transport could maybe sync to such a plugin?
Or are they simply not allowed to transmit any such messages within MOD?


hmm actually it could.
but we have to see if the timing is good enough


Now midi loopback is enabled. Any idea how to do this? Does a “Tempo Follower” plugin exist?