AIDA-X list of models not updating when uploading new model's json files [Solved]


I’ve noticed that when adding new models’s json files to the file list, they don’t appear straight away in the list displayed in the plugin’s settings. I had to delete the plugin and stick a new one on my pedalboard to see them being displayed.

How to reproduce

  1. Stick an AIDA-X plugin on my pedalboard
  2. Look at the settings and the available model’s list
  3. Upload new model’s files to the dwarf
  4. Look at the settings and the available model’s list : new models are not displayed BUG
  5. Delete plugin. Summon a new AIDA-X plugin
  6. Look at the settings and the available model’s list : new modelts are here

Expected/suggested solution

The list should be refreshed at least when quiting/re-entering the plugin’s settings page

this is a known limitation in our current system, you can refresh the web gui page to make it show the new models, so you dont have to delete and replug cables



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