Aether Reverb (cloudseed)

I’ve created a simple bash script that converts Cloudseed presets into lv2 preset bundles for Aether! It’s been a while since I’ve looked at how Cloudseed works, but I think the only controls that aren’t converted correctly are the seeds, since Aether uses a different random number generator.

I’m not a great sound designer, but here are some presets that I’ve made. Two of them make use of a drive parameter (which is only accessible via the host’s auto-generated UI, since I uh haven’t added it to the custom UI yet…) which I think sounds pretty neat. I uploaded a short demo here.


would be great to push those directly into the repo, even nicer if it comes as part of the plugin bundle.

the lack of user-controllable drive parameter is an issue, since on MOD the user can only edit things as exposed by the plugin.
if there is something deeply complex about these extra parameters, maybe the lv2 patch-parameter thingies could be used? it allows stuff like string parameters, which MOD already supports.


Whoops, I was a bit unclear about what I meant. The drive parameters are exposed as regular lv2:port parameters, so it works on MOD. It’s just that they aren’t on the lv2ui UI I built yet.