I’ve contacted the developer of the lv2 cloudseed port Aether. He was nice enough to compile it for the dwarf. I’ve tested it and it works pretty good. As expected it’s CPU intensive if you up the delay lines. Maybe there is a way to optimize it.
If anyone is interested the bundle can be found on github.
I’ll have to check but I think with 2 delay lines you are up to 50% and everything above 4 is unusable. I’ll have to test further if there is more to improve performance in dialing back other parameters.
I just built it using the .mk file provided by the dev and pushed it to my Dwarf. Sounds really, really good. With controls in the default positions, it has a spring reverb feel to it.
Would be difficult to push this plugin into the beta store? I tried several times to use the docker and etc but for some reason I’ve never got any results
Ha! Thanks for those bits. You just saved me some searching about. In the meantime, I rebuilt the plugin with the “release” option that indicated some optimizations, but that appears to use slightly more CPU than the default, which I assume is in “debug”, or it could just be the vagaries of other processes being in play at different times.