The place for all kinds of user contributions to the community
How can I contribute to the community?
You can make videos about MOD Devices and post them to the Content exchange Topic in the Content sub-category
You can show your support for existing feature requests or post new requests in the Feature Requests sub-category
If you believe there is something that is not behaving the way it was intended, you can discuss or create bug reports in the Bug Reports sub-category
If you have an idea for something (that is not a feature request or a plugin) such as a new device, a new concept etc, you can let us know in the Cool Ideas sub-category
Occasionally, we will ask for you to contribute by giving your opinions on certain topics in the form of polls and surveys. These can be found in the User Surveys sub-category
You can provide feedback on anything else MOD Related such as the forum, website etc (not bug reports, feature requests or cool ideas) in the General Questions & Feedback sub-category