A-Plate1 Stick - MOD Devices

Nicola Carrai

No astonishing effects, just searching for a "jazzy" sound, soft and warm for the dual channel Chapman Stick. Dynamic controlled by compressors, simple eq to make melody strings "sing", to make bass string fuller and to avoid thin harpsichord-like sound. Reverbs are adding light ambiance, Both are sent to both outputs to have best sound if sent directly to a PA mixer or to have two identical mono signals, one for amp and one for mixer. Crossover helps to have chorus only on the higher strings of the bass side of the Stick for a steadier bass sond. Mono Tiny Gain is controlled by right footswitch to add gain during jazz solos, left footswitch assigned to chorus. Knobs are controlling final gain, reverbs, eq and mono gain for last moment live adjustments. :) p.s. sorry for some mistakes... just to give an idea of the pedalboard.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/pedalboards/5c01c6832564d433e78f67a3?fbclid=IwAR2gm7qHIYYlZJdVEInxB547moXjVo16WPAM9a_qCIXkxgfm4tcByyTt6jA