VST/Software version of MOD?

Well there is an online sandbox for you to build boards and mess with plug-ins, at least.


This should allow you to mess with boards in the meantime

A VST/plugin wouldn’t make much sense (knowing somewhat how the software stack works), but if you are on Linux then you can run mod-host and mod-ui locally.

Unfortunately at work I’m on Windows most of the time, so something that does not require reboots would be the most ideal solution. If thei is not technically possible, the usb boot option would I guess be the second best.

Virtual Machine? :slight_smile:
Can possibly boot the live-USB in a VM too, it will be even less performant. but enough to play around a bit. Do note that the plugin-store does not work in the live image.


If the store does not work in the live image then it’s not of much use.

The perfect thing would be having a PC based way of running a MOD system that allows to do everything a real MOD device can, even with much degraded performance, and “synced” in some way (plugin store account?) with the device. So that pedalboards could be created, tested and tuned on a PC whenever the device is not available. That would be wonderful.


Again, similar to BIAS FX, but this would of course be a saleable product as well to sell alongside the rest of the portfolio. I honestly believe that there could be quite a demand for this sort of thing - but of course there are other competitors doing similar (such as Positive Grid, Line 6, Native Instruments, and others)…
I feel it is certainly worth considering if there is a call for this type of product in the future.


By the simple nature of how PCs are and work, this is just not possible. While we can have pretty much all the plugins that run on MOD run on a PC (already the case with the live-usb stuff), commercial plugins are simply too difficult to secure properly.
On a real MOD device, the commercial plugins authenticate based on unique device identifiers. Trying to make this work on a desktop/PC is just not possible, any security put in place would be easily be broken simply due to the open nature of the platform.

If we skip the commercial plugins this then becomes possible, but I would bet most users would not be too happy with that.



I am interested in the live-usb version of the MOD system.
Even though I do have a Dwarf, I like the idea to have such an alternative.
Where do I find the image to download?

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Find it under assets in https://github.com/moddevices/mod-live-usb/releases

You can use “dd” directly if on Linux, otherwise a tool like Etcher works too,

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thank you!

bad link

any News?

https://try.mod.audio/ is the URL to use.

No, nothing new on this topic since that last message.

Yeah mate, that post was from 2021.

MOD rebranded after that, of course the link is dead lmao

we had 2 urls for the same, try.moddevices.com still works with a redirect. the “sandbox” one was the 2nd instance for testing that we shut down.

2 years is not a lot of time for internet links in my opinion. it is just that “sandbox” was a bad name to start with anyhow


I might be wrong here @Kopplog but to me the real benefit of the Mod system is the hardware. Even if it’s faster in a computer, that adds more hardware and complexity. It requires specif OS, then sound cards that work with that OS, etc…

Doable, but the usefulness of it might not be worth the trouble.

Just my thoughts.

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That is also our conclusion.

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Maybe I got it all wrong…
In my imagination, a VST-option would have unlocked things like you’re using the Valhalla-Reverb, for instance - so, some Plugin-container to run VSTs within…?
Not, that there are lot of MOD Plugins there already, just thinking.

Considering the amount of engineering effort it would take to make this useful cross-platform … we need another half dozen FalkTX clones to make it happen (all the while not working on improving MOD firmware and infrastructure).

So would that be worth it? maybe. Is it realistic? No.

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haha, okok.

BUT there are guys out there, selling Plugins on the MOD Device PLUGIN Store…
so, let’s see what happens