I would like to connect a Midi footswitch with 3 buttons that sends MiDi CC, for example. Ultimately, it should trigger exactly the same events on the device as the built-in A B C buttons do. I would like to attach the device to the microphone stand so that I can read the display easily and use the rotary encoder, but I would like to have the three foot switches on the floor. Functionally, they are intended to represent a copy of the three switches, which cannot now be reached with your feet. I think the operation and assignment of the original buttons are very well thought out. You can easily operate large boards with just a few buttons. Can MIDI messages be mapped accordingly to the functions?
Maybe, if that’s not possible with Midi, I could also build an RS485 based CC interface and implement that with the Arduino-Control-Chain library CC-Arduino-lib. However, there is hardly any documentation about this on the website. The links to this from the Git Rep lead nowhere, and the examples don’t cover my topic. I’ve already searched in the sources and also in the cc-slave sources. but couldn’t find anything about it. I would really appreciate an answer. I am still able to return the device (dwarf) to the dealer. It does a good job with the guitar sound, but for various reasons I can’t use it on stage without the external switching option with intelligent mapping.
Any Ideas?
Thanks, that looks pretty good. If I connect the USB C port on the footswitch to the USB host port on the dwarf, will it work as expected? Or is another operating mode necessary?
hmm, no midi message assignment found for go to next page. Correspondingly, there is no MIDI message assignment to the dwarf button assignments B or C on the device page. That means I can’t simply assign three MIDI footswitches to commands, but I have to make the fx assignments in pages on the MIDI controller and they get clear MIDI commands. that’s really annoying. I don’t want to constantly reprogram the midi controller just because I add or remove a page on the dwarf. That’s a bit impractical. Also I miss Midi Feedback. I would like to return the device with a heavy heart while I still have time. too bad.