well yes for setting up a listening OSC.
But OSC lacks a standardized message type, so they can be anything from “/hey/change/this” to “/what/change/that”.
This is why a config is necessary, to specify the kind of messages to be listening to and convert.
Would be best if we did not have to make such config, and there was a way to export the possible list of messages one tool would be sending.
#mapping for app sensors2osc on fdroid
#likely every phone will have some variations in the availability
#and sometimes scale of the sensors and data
/touch{i} ff, a,b,c : controlchange( channel, 2*a-1, 127*b);
/touch{i} ff, a,b,c : controlchange( channel, 2*a, 127*c);
/accelerometer fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 1, 10*x);
/accelerometer fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 2, 10*y);
/accelerometer fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 3, 10*z);
#magnetic field
/magneticfield fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 4, 2*x+64);
/magneticfield fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 5, 2*y+64);
/magneticfield fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 6, 2*z+64);
/gyroscope fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 7, 6*x);
/gyroscope fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 8, 6*7);
/gyroscope fff, x,y,z : controlchange( channel, 9, 6*z);
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