Hi @lighthouse,

May I ask what software release you are on? We found some sources of noise that we were able to eliminate starting from the 1.8 stable release.

We were able to eliminate the processor related noise (the annoying square wave at around 380Hz) by some hacky tricks in our system that involved the RAM.
Also, we found out that the display brightness that is controlled by a PWM signal was interfering with the audio path and gave a high pitched noise around 15Khz. We removed that by increasing the PWM frequency to the non-audible range.

If you are already on 1.8, are you sure the noise is coming from the output? This is something I have not heard before, and when trying only the output circuitry myself I can’t seem to reproduce any extraordinary loud noise (cranking my tube amp to full volume here). To test this I would suggest disconnecting the outputs in the web-ui and see if the noise is still there, if not, then the problem might be in the pedalboard/plugins or your input setup (or maybe you have a ground-loop going on).

I hope this info helps! also @unbracketed made a really nice overview of forum threats here regarding signal levels that you might find helpful as well!

Regarding S/PDIF we have been focusing on the CV ports which are really close to being ready :slight_smile: (test build probably coming next week). We now just want to make sure everything is safe to use. After that is done we will focus on this one final thing to be ready and slowly move to 1.9 release candidates.


for my side i am having no noise issues at all with the Mod Duo X.


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Thanks @buyallthesynths for the info on S/PDIF. That’s good to know.

@hgdaun and @Jan, you hit the nail on the head. This was a ground loop problem. I put a direct box between the DuoX and amplifier, and the (with the ground lift engaged) the DuoX is quiet as a mouse. I’m confident that an isolated power supply would have the same effect. Thanks so much for the good advice, and apologies for posting before trying this.

@Jan Thank you also for the rest of your response, which must have taken some time to write. Even though the noise problem seems solved, I learned some good things from your post and from the thread you linked.


Ronny, I am do excited to join this community. I just ordered my Duo X last week. I have inquired about the delivery date in a variety with no response. Will the my duo x ship in December as stated on the pre order page?

The truth is, we don’t know.
We decided to change a few things, we are working hard to get everything nice and ready as soon as possible.
So, might be possible, might not. Hard to tell right now.

I suggest the proper thing to do is to stop advertising that date. You charged my account already. Most companies don’t charge you until the product is ready to ship. This is very disappointing and no way to start a customer relationship.

very understandable. I sent a message to the marketing team to please change this.

I agree it is an awful way to build a customer base.


You can understand why one can’t wait to get such an amazingly comprehensive tool in a small package in ones hands. I am doing some international travel in January and hope to take this instead of my larger rig.

I thank you for your swift response and look forward to updates on estimated delivery.

well @gianfranco wrote an email to our mailing list with a more reasonable expected shipping target - February 2020.


I recieved that. Thanks.

Hi guys,
First all the best for the new year and continue with the good work!
I’m exploring the wonderworld of analogue modular sybtheses so i wondered how things are going with the cv in and out stuff. More concrete: Is it worth waiting for this to work for some more weeks to use the modx as a cv sequencer or should i buy a midi to cv converter?

Hi there!

We already have it working, there are private builds for anyone interested.
We are just trying to get more feedback on it, plus implementing a few things to make it more useful (addressing of a parameter based on any CV output)

Hello! I found this interesting device, and I want to know about some features.

  1. Is it possible to assign multiple amount of snapshots (presets) to external MIDI controller? I have Launchpad MK3, and there is fully programmable user mode where I can send CC/MIDI etc. I’m wondering if it is possible to create my own interface with it for triggering FX and snapshots.
  2. How much I can assign, and how fast they are loading? (I can compare to Line6 Helix, where I have chain of FX, and I could assign 8 snapshots, with own parameters for each FX block individually, and it is switching instantly).
  3. What are the limits of CPU and RAM? Again compare to Helix, I can use at least 10 FX simultaneously (of course it depends on the type of FX)
  4. Is it possible to MIDI over Bluetooth? For example to use a tablet with TOUCHOSC.

Hi there!

You can create as many pedalboard snapshots as you want, and have them mapped to a device button, footswitch or knob.
Not sure if it can also be mapped to a MIDI CC right now, will have to check…

This depends if you want to load a completely different set of plugins (the project, what we call “pedalboard”) or just a snapshot of values. Changing between snapshots is faster than changing an entire pedalboard, for obvious reasons.
Also depends on the amount of plugins you have loaded. If you load a lot of stuff, changing snapshots is “slower” than with less. But on the Duo X, it is very unlikely that this is an issue, considering it has 4 CPU cores so there is often some head room in terms of CPU.

I do not think this is comparable. The MOD units run something quite different to Helix or other products.
Browsing through might give you an idea of what is possible, though some pedalboards are done with Duo, not Duo X, which is not as fast.

Not possible at this point

Thank you @falkTX , for clarifying this topics! I have a few more questions for now.
5. And does it have global BPM sync? I have another device like loopstation Boss rc505, it is always a Master BPM in my setup. For example Helix have the feature to BPM sync a lot of parameters in pretty each FX. It is a really important feature for me.
6. What about stability? Reboot, freezes, glitches?
7. And if I have opened GUI on my tablet can I use it as like “external display” to monitor things? And is it possible to tweak parameters live with tablet or I need to tweak then save them?
8. And if I connect USB HUB with Bluetooth adapter + MIDI controller will it work together?

My shows always have a lot of stuff happening in very short amount of time. But I’m tired to traveling around the world with big and heavy Line6 Helix. I’m searching to more portable solution and ModdouX looks perfect. If compare it to Helix, is there a big difference in response in live act?
My workflow is creating banks with snapshots where sometimes I can improvise live on stage.

No problem, I will try to answer these too :slight_smile:

There is a global BPM yes, but not all plugins follow it.
In v1.8 we introduced tempo related mapping properties (so a time related parameter can be mapped to the global tempo based on some rule, like half tempo, quarter, etc).
So the feature is there, but it is dependent on plugins implementing it. (which usually is the case nowadays)

The Duo is stable, specially the new units with internal MMC.
Duo X is a new unit, we had some issues regarding peakmeters for which we have a workaround.
We know of a few things that can be done better and improved on the unit, these will come as software updates.

Assuming you can open the GUI on the tablet, yes you can play and have the setup displayed on the tablet (I guess this will need to be via bluetooth network, unless the tablet is a regular PC)
The only thing we do not allow is to change pedalboard via the device menus while it is connected to a PC with the browser open.
You can save the current pedalboard both when the browser GUI is open and closed, as the device menus provide a “save current pedalboard state” action.

Yes, though make sure to pay attention to power consumption.
Bluetooth adapters use much energy at all usually, so it should be fine.

This one I do not think I am able to answer, I will let others in the community to do so.
(I never used the Helix myself)

Thank you so much! My last question about plugin store. I visited the plugin store, but there is no price for them, so I don’t understand clearly what is “default” plugin pack. And how what is the limit of memory for plugins?

Great. That’s good news. Thnx! I might be interested in the build when my modular synth has arrived

Hi Eikini,
Most of the plugins in store are free…unless a price is mentioned (very few of them). At the time I installed 729 plugins and all is fine. Each plugin represents a very little amount of kb space :slight_smile: !

Amazing! Thank you!