MOD - Audio to CV Pitch

The image I shot was misleading then. I was trying to show simply, the bug messages appearing when clicking CV to manage- no relationship or connection to audio of any sort.

I can send additional images if needed, in meantime below is the setup and use scenario when error popped up-

  1. Mod dwarf via usb to my mac, safari editor for mod working just fine. Downloaded new plug ins and updated to newest firmware. Rebooted the Dwarf and then went to create a new patch.

  2. I was using for the first time the new audio to cv pitch plug in. I clicked manage cv ports, selected both, the ā€œbug messageā€ popped up per original screenshot. They displayed the checkmark regardless and I then went to a plug in that receives CV. In its setup menu, under CV it says nothing available for CV. This is because it is saying that audio to cv pitch plug in has a bug itself.

  3. Other plug ins were working correctly with selecting manage cv and to assign the cv other places. I am specific referring to the plug in from my screenshot as giving me a bug when selected itā€™s CV to manage.

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It looks like your images didnā€™t come through. That can be because youā€™re a new user and there are automatic restrictions in place. @jon is the person to upgrade you.

However, from your description:

the only thing I recommend is that you add another Audio to CV pitch plugin and see if the same happens or create a new pedalboard and try that again. If this behaviour doesnā€™t change, itā€™d probably be a bug.

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Your suggestions are good- Iā€™ve actually already tried things like a secondary plug in or rebooting aside from blank pedalboards.

Pretty sure itā€™s a bug, I posted to FB group and was directed here for further help potentially.

Iā€™ve done cv assignments in past but it seems with this module there is a bug, Iā€™ll look into it again tonight and try more things.


From your description, it sure looks like a bug.

If you have permissions to start a thread, please post it to the BUGS subsection.

Otherwise write to and the MOD folks will look into that.


The ā€œmanage CV portsā€ bug was already discussed above and fixed internally.

We will publish a public fix for this soon.



Thank you for jumping in to let me know and offer the fix. I am using a Mod Dwarf but did not understand your reference to before ā€œ1.11.6 or 1.12-RC1ā€ if you could clarify.

Please when possible, send over the fix and if any instructions for it.

Thank you again for your help here -

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Thanks @QuestionMarc. Sorry the delay @PedalEffected - I was out for a few days - I just upgraded your trust levels. You should now be able to post pictures and links

Simply put these are the full OS versions. The 1.11.6 is the one in production, so available to all users. The 1.12-RC1 is the release candidate for the next version that itā€™s still in tests and in ā€œbug searchā€. If thereā€™s no need for an RC2 it should get in production soon and become available to everyone.


Hey there, any idea when/where the update for the bug fix will be?

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It is already part of the 1.12 release candidate, eventually we will do a backport to 1.11 series


I apologize, Iā€™m not certain what you mean -

Iā€™m just looking ideally for a timeline to be able to use the module without a bug.

It sounds like 1.12 is soon to be released?

Or is an updated 1.11 to be expected released first?

Thank you, sincerely, for your help on this.


1.12 will release provided the community tests the beta version to identify bugs. Once the bugs are squashed in the RC versions, the production version releases.

The more people testing, the quicker it will be released.

I believe the development branch is splitting on this new 1.12 FW edition, largely due to the variance in hardware.

The original Duo will be using a stable fork of 1.11 if I recall correctly.

The Dwarf gets the cutting edge development, and the MDX follows the dwarf releases.

Edit: Iā€™m not affiliated with MOD, so I am presenting my observations rather than an actual development workflow


ā€¦slight tweak: only production-run DuoX units follow the Dwarf. DuoX LE is pinned at 1.11 due to hardware limitations, i believe.


Quit making me sad, Peter.


Awesome intel - thank you!

Iā€™m always open to beta testing if called upon lol


You are 100% free and clear to beta test.

You just need to manually flash the RC firmware for your device provided on the release page on the forum.


ā€¦yeah. saving my pennies. there was this tempting tidbit in @falkTXā€™s thread about 1.12.0-RC1:

Duo X rev. 3 units (with firefly rk3399 SoM)

ooooooh! :partying_face:

[ā€¦apologies for straying waaaaay OTā€¦]


Iā€™ve chosen to ignore that comment for reasons lol


Haha guys you can breath a sigh of relief, itā€™s just a different brand of the same SoM


I am going in circles around this Audio2CV Pitch thing for quite a long time, I guess since release of the plugin. And while I am really interested in adding some synth sounds to my sound arsenal, I am still not really using it.

I see the following problems here:

1) while I find demo gsynth pedalboards to be really cool, there are just too much components.
I already have all the pedalboard space filled with two chains for dual mono stick processing, looper, recording, sequencer used as metronome, etc.

Adding this huge amount of very atomic CV plugins will turn my pedalboard into a chthonic mess completely. It would be much more usable for more guitar(or stick:) centric players if:

a) all this scary CV stuff could be packed into something more simple and monolithic, even if it would be a bit less flexible. One plugin that does basic synthesis based on CV pitch and Volume input.
b) CV synth stuff could be merged into some kind of ā€œsubpedalboardā€ that could be used as a virtual meta-plugin. In other words, some set of interconnected plugins - in this case CV synth constellation, could be grouped into one entity, incapsulated, and hidden behind some abstraction level, with only some controls and inputs-outputs exposed. I believe this feature could be useful beyond gsynth, if ā€œsubpedalboardsā€ could be shared between pedalboards , making pedalboards more modular and facilitating reusing not just plugins but combinations of plugins.

Aside from the big amount of plugins on the same space visually, even adding gsynth stuff to my already existing main pedalboard is hard, too many plugins with too many params and a steep learning curve for CV. Basically it feels like you need to manualy place a dozen of plugins, with all interconnections and parameters, without really knowning enought about CV.

If plugins and their settings could be selected copy-pasted from the demo pedalboard to my existing pedalboards somehow, it could simplify starting using gsynth stuff a lot.

P.S. Considering something that could be done without platform improvements or new plugins - is it theoretically possible to recreate gsynth pedalboard as a Cardinal plugin preset? Hide all these vco/vcf/etc inside Cardinal, with only pitch/volume plugin kept outside?


I think pedalboard blocks, which was suggested before, would be a solution to all of this honestly, packing everything with set in/outs into a black box, with certain parameters able to be changed, and the block itself able to be saved to be put into various boards.