MIDI "Chocolate" šŸ« controller with the Mod Dwarf, an introduction

Thanks, Iā€™ll check that ā€œprogram change Aā€ and that wiki page

True and indeed, that was never the plan.
Thanks to the new Portal however, fitting some sounds in one board and switching snapshots might be everything I need per SHOW.
(one board for singer/songwriter showand one board for the ā€œHeavy metal Thrashā€ show)

alternative scenario is switching a 2 or 4 way switch plugin but snapshots is my #1 prio now

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Hey @funkypou sorry to bother you again but Iā€™m missing something here.

how do I associate these 0 and 1 messages to snapshots?

No problem. :wink:

I donā€™t think you can choose the channel with Program Change A. I think you have to set Snapshot PC-channel to 1.

They call the snapshots according to their position in the list, using their index. Youā€™ll be able to see that behavior once you set the right channel.

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Thanks for checking but no success :confused:

setting the pc snaptshot channel in the Dwarf settings to 1 didnā€™t help.
tried a fews things with different channel settings in Dwarf settings menu , with usb to pc connected and disconnected, rebooted device etc

Still got the feeling Iā€™m forgetting somethingā€¦

This means that if PC 1 is issued, the first pedalboard will be loaded, if PC 2 is received the second pedalboard will be loaded

I think your PC messages need to have values 1 (first snap) or 2 (second snap). It might be that youā€™re sending value 0 which is ignored and value 1 which is your presumably already loaded first snapshot. Try selecting the second snapshot in the web UI and then sending MIDI messages to see if it changes. ā€¦or add a third snapshot and selecting that first to see if thereā€™s a ā€œoff-by-oneā€ thing happening. Your screenshot above implies channel 0, but IIRC MOD maps 0 - 15 to 1 - 16 in the settings?

I just dug my MIDI controller out of storage so I can try a little later if needed to help confirm.

Yes, MIDI display shows channel 0 when I send a PC message from the Chocolate. But it works when I set Snapshot PC-channel to 1 in the Dwarf.

The same for PC messages. Footswitch A on the Chocolate shows 0 in MIDI display. But it selects the 1st snapshot on the list. The good old IT indexing way.

I just made some tests and it works on my side so make sure you set Snapshot PC-channel to 1 again and that you have several snapshots on the pedalboard. Use MIDI display to troubleshoot.

Maybe I did. Try to reboot the Dwarf after setting the channel, who knows.

Thanks for thinking along

been a developer once and yes I though of the ā€œstart counting from index 0ā€ thing :smiley:


Donā€™t know why, perhaps some setting/reboot order.
4 Snapshots, 4 buttons. This covers a lot of my uses cases already! whoop

Thanks guys


Hi there
Dwarf newbie here from Italy, just bought it two monthes ago and having fun since then with this brilliant piece ok kit. Already owning Hotone Ampero and Headrush Pedalboard and having all my needs covered by both of them but I was searching for a not mainstream device and the dwarf came along.
As a guitar player playing and gigging in a local pop-rock tribute band, my chain is AMT Bulava (for a analog flavour starting ponit tone) ā†’ Digitech Digidelay (set it up just for thickening the solos) ā†’ Dwarf (for multif fx+IR) ā†’ FOH

Going to the point
Just bought the Chocolate to expand the switches flexibilites. The idea is to connect the C USB to the to the Dwarfā€™s A one as some of you already mentioned it on this chat but Iā€™ve no clue how
Is there a special USB cable having A and C plug ends? Do I need a USB hub? Or what else?

Sorry if the question could look stupid but Iā€™ve really no experience

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance


Yes itā€™s a standard usb A to usb C cable.I think itā€™s in the Chocokate box.
In Italian
Si ĆØ un normalissimo cavo da usb A a usb C dovrebbe essre compreso nella confezione del chocolate, comunque lo trovi in tutti i negozi.
A me il pedale dovrebbe arrivare oggi o domani


My Chocolate came with such a cable.
I had no issues connecting it, downloading an app to my iPhone and making sure they could communicate. I was a little confused on MIDI channels / data worked but once you decide how it should operate and you find out for that specfiic use case, the connections and operations are smooth

Ciao Rino
nella confezione del Chocolate che ho ricevuto oggi, lā€™unico cavo incluso ha connessione USB per PC su unā€™estremitĆ  e tipo C sullā€™altra. Comunque grazie 1000, lo cerco in negozio

In my Chocolateā€™s package thereā€™s only the standard PC type USB plug to C plug ends kind of cable. Anyway thanks a lot for the prompt answers!

This is how my setup looks like, using the provided cable that came with the Chocolate.
I use an app (voa bluetooth) to do the settings on the Chocolate
I mage the Dwarf via my windows pc; connected with the usb B (square) to usb A (pc) cable MOD provided with my Dwarf


This is the exact cable you need! The C end goes into the Chocolate, the ā€œPC-typeā€ goes into your Dwarf!

Edit: @LievenDV beat me to it and with an awesome sketch!


Ah! Thank you Lieven and Bleo, very supportive
Not having the Dwarf with me right now, my memory suggested it has kind of A type of USB port but I was wrong
Good news then, you make me saving few bucks!

Like Lieven, my goal is to control 4 to 6 snapshots by the Chocolate, leaving the dwarf in the tuner/tap tempo mode. Frankly I donā€™t know if it is possible but Iā€™ll check it out next days

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I was able to browse through 4 snapshots with the 4 buttons, with the first button being the first snapshot.

Havenā€™t tried to use it as a ā€œupā€ and ā€œdownā€ control in the list of snapshots (in case there are more than 4.

It has a USB A port indeed, as well as a B. The A is the one you use to connect the Chocolate (with the supplied cable) or a USB hub. The B is for the connection to the computer.

You can actually browse more than 4 snapshots with your current setting. On the Chocolate, press F (C+D) to access the next bank of 4 buttons and E (A+B) to go to the previous one.


Lā€™ho appena ricevutoā€¦ ti confermo che il cavo che arriva insieme al pedale ĆØ quello da usare

Just received, I can also confirm that the cable arrived with Chocolate is the one to use for the connection between Dwarf and Chocolate


connected the Dwarf and Chocolate by usb cable provided by M-Vave
set Dwarf settingsā€“>midiā€“>PC snapshots channel 1
installed the Chocolate app using the QR printed on the deviceā€™s back
opened the app, verified that the pedalboard was using the same channel 1 (it already was) and set on Program Change A

et voilĆ , it started working flawlessly! 1A recall snapshot n. 1 on the specific pedalboardā€™s snapshot list, 2B ss n. 2, 2A ss n. 5 and so on
Awesome! Now I can gigginā€™ with it
Thank you guys


I leave the Dwarf in Tap Tempo mode and flip it to the Tuner just pressing Dwarfā€™s A switch

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Nice pedalborad! It is tiny and powerfull. And Chocolate is also very small, thus, transportable. I like you set-up.