Looperlative for Mod Duo X

Will Looperlative plug-in be released for Mod Duo X any time soon? The available Sooper Looper for Mod Duo X is too basic.


Yes. Hopefully really soon.
We are finishing the 1.12 release that will bring some catch-up features to the MOD DuoX - that have been released on the Dwarf with the 1.11 - required for the Looperlative.


Great news, thanx!

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Any news about Looperlative for Mod Duo X?

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coming very soon, has been tested by our dear @solobasssteve
duox requires v1.12 update in order to make it fully functional, so we need to get that out first. hopefully in the next few days


Thanks for the update. Definitely excited to see the MDX catch up

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Can confirm that it works beautifully - the way that Bob has created a way for visual feedback to work with the DuoX buttons and lights is genius. It takes a little adjusting of workflow if you use a LOT of pages of assignments, but it’s really really well done :slight_smile:


I am very excited seeing how excited you are


I’m sure when it arrives there’ll be the usual ‘why doesn’t this work exactly the way I imagined it based on my workflow with a bunch of stompboxes???’ responses, but for anyone looking for a looper that integrates perfectly with the MOD ecosystem, it’s a godsend :slight_smile:

I’m excited to see what happens in terms of complexity/pro features on the upgrade version as and when that happens too…!


well then… this may just be the thing which convinces me to get myself into a production run Duo X! …as much as i do love my LE… :wink:


Hello @qtguy20000 Sorin Romanescu,

I moved your topic for better readability to the plugins section of the forum.
I hope you don’t mind.

Greetings and God bless, Marius


No problem :+1:

God bless


Hey Steve, I know this is a very old post so you might not even see it. Ive been using the LP3 on my Dwarf. I just bought a used Duo X. How do you see the feedback for the LP3 on the Duo if you use MIDI to trigger things like Rec, Play and Erase?

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I’ve got the feedback for each channel assigned to a knob on the DuoX, so I can see what the percentages are, but for years with the LP1 I just had it on an expression pedal and used it on feel, rather than by numbers. …ahh, I’ve just realised you might mean ‘feedback’ in a more generalised ‘what’s happening at the moment’ sense rather than the actual speed of decay of the loop. For that, you can choose a button that acts as a recording light - it’s in the LP3 settings as ‘extra status LED’ and lets you see the recording state. I have it set to ‘Erase’ and have the Erase button assigned on the DuoX, so that when I’m in record or overdub I can see the state at a glance.

Hope that answers your question - if I’ve misunderstood it, let me know.

Let me try again. I have a midi foot switch that triggers recording on track A. But because it’s MIDI there doesn’t seem to be a way to have anything show on the Duo. I don’t see an extra status LED when I use MIDI. Thats what I meant by feedback. Not the feedback of the loop. Bad terminology on my part.

have you set the extra status LED and deduced that it’s not working? My setup is different from yours in that I’m using midi for some controls on the LP3 but am using the MOD Footswitch for the looper functions, so I’ve no idea if control chain messages trigger it in different ways, but I’ve no idea why that would be.

If what you’re looking for is bi-directional MIDI communication in order to indicate on your foot controller what’s happening, that’s not something I’ve researched in any depth, so I can’t answer that I’m afraid.

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I must be missing something. I don’t see any “extra LED” option when I use the MIDI footswitch. What am I missing? Where do you see it when specifically using the MIDI footswitch. Sorry to go back and forth so much. I’m using 6 loops on some pieces and some sort of status would really help.

right there in the middle between output mix and trigger func.

Not sure how I missed that. But sadly, all it does is light up. It doesn’t show me anything as far as if I’m recording or playing back. I guess that yes, I need something bi-directional to indicate what’s happening on the Duo to match what I press on the MIDI box. I’ll email Bob and see if there’s any way to do it. It works on the Dwarf, but that’s not powerful enough to use 3 LP3’s for 6 tracks.

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