I was unable to resolve noise in the Mod Dwarf after trying DI and groundless power

USB parasites :joy:

C’est le problème avec l’alim d’origine avec mise à terre, c’est pour cette raison qu’il faut une alim sans terre avec double isolation. le symbole de la double isolation c’est deux carrés, l’un (le plus petit) à l’intérieur de l’autre (le plus grand).

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Did you tried a DI box with groundlift. That works for me. And I have a Mod Duo X plugged into a Dwarf with zero noises.

Oui, branchée ou pas au pc, même bruits

Unfortunately, I don’t have a passive DI box anymore… Maybe I will have to buy one.


@momiaz @zwabo @Rom

Please keep the conversation in English so that you don’t exclude the non-French speaking world. :slight_smile:

Merci beaucoup Zwabo, je vais essayer de trouver une alim idoine…

Thanks a lot for the guys who replied!
So I tried to swipe with another power supply as Zwabo told me. Still the same problem. Should I speak to the support?
I don’t want to play with noise gate plugins too much. It annoying for me.

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Yes, I think so…

You could record the noise and post it here. We are aware of the ground loop noise issues and obviously, a groundless power supply would solve this issue. If you already tried that, you should have another cause of noise.

Thank you! I will do it when I get a moment for that. I also ordered a passive DI box and will try…
The mod audio support didn’t reply yet.
Have a nice day every body!