How to setup own LV2 plugins?

Hi @Dede

Thanks for the suggestion. Would you be able to share a link to them?


I tried to share the link but it seems it’s not allowed to include links in the post. ThĂ© dĂ©velopper can be contacted on his Youtube Channel (that can be found by searching for “Exe consulting” in Youtube) and vsts can bĂ© downloaded fromage thĂ© website (that can be found by searching for “Exe consulting vst” on google).Let me know if you have found it. The amps (Marshall,Fender, Vox and many others)are really great, best software in my opinion and even better thanks lots of hardware pedals which Ă©mulateur amps, and it’s free.

@Dede I’ve upgraded your trust level, you should be able to post links now.

Ok,thx. So here are the links : ,
Another great developper is Chris (link: )

These plugins (from execonsulting) do not have any source-code available. So how would you propose that these will ever be ported to LV2 and MOD?

Today we took a look at building the LV2 ports of Airwindows for MOD. And while the available plugins do work (about 79 at the time of writing), they are also extremely resource intensive and many of them have either way too subtle effect (generally meant for mastering or just as a Proof-of-Concept) or have some other issues associated that makes them quite unsuitable to use.
Airwindows has over 200 plugins available, but most are as described. Would there be a top-10 that are absolutely must-haves we can look at porting (and improving) them to get them into MOD.

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About Execonsultings, I have to say I’m not aware at all about technical aspects (I just play music in fact).
For Airwindows plugins, that is a personnal opinion so subjective,right that effects are often subtle but here are some that are effective and not only specifically mastering oriented; focus, ironoxide,energy, fromtape, totape (several versions), dubcenter, basskit.

No worries, just realize that without source code we cannot use any “free” plugins.
Of course you could convince those vendors to convert/release their plugins to the MOD platform, but you’d have to approach them about this.

We learn everyday, I’m now aware of it and may try to contact Execonsultings but I just saw on the website that ‘No distribution rights granted. All rights reserved’

I would not assume that they are at all interested in open-sourcing their plugins, or put any effort into porting it to different format and platform.

However if you don’t ask you’ll never know :wink:

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I finally found the email ( and contacted him to explain the concept.

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He answered that he is not interested by this now but may be in the future.

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