Hi! Come Introduce Yourself!

Welcome on board @mk2!
I’m curious to see your experiments with the Dwarf and your modular…maybe even your guitar/bass, your Dwarf and your modular all together in one setup! :wink:

Welcome @mk2 !

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Hi all! I’m a bassist, guitarist and a beginning thereminist in TX, USA. I just got a Dwarf and I love it. I am interested in developing some Control Chain devices of my own, as well as some plugins. I’ve been lurking for a few weeks and love the community here!


Welcome @malfunction54


Welcome! :smiley:


Welcome on board @malfunction54!
I’m really curious so watch how you use the MOD Dwarf…especially with the theremin :). Please share some videos with us if you can :wink:


Hi All.

Who am I

I’m a longtime user of my beloved MOD Duo who plays guitar. I play with some friends in a band, only original music. We play a mix of alternativ rock and funk with electronic influences. I use the duo primarily to house Guitarix amps (although I’ve been using the Onyx amp quite a lot) and MOD Cabs.

Why am I here

On top of that I’m a software engineer and computer vision specialist, so I thought I’d like to develop my own plugins under the brand ‘JimsonDrift’ (That happens to be the name of the band :slightly_smiling_face: ) and share them with you. I’ve been messing with audio dsp on and off over the years, but only now have I managed to get into LV2 plugins.

My first step/plugin

My first attempt is a state variable filter:

It works well on the mod duo and I’d be happy for feedback. Maybe one day you’ll find it in the store if the mod teams likes it


welcome @jimsondrift !


Welcome, @jimsondrift. And thanks for the plugin link.

When you’re able, post links to your music as well.


Hi and welcome!


Welcome @jimsondrift and thank you so much for sharing your work/research with plugins.
I will move some strings for it to be tested :wink:


Sure: We’re on spotify and youtube


Cool. If you need help, don’t hesitate to message me


Hi! I picked up a Dwarf a few days ago.

I’m hoping to use it to replace my pedalboard with something more portable, and to get rid of some annoying limitations that come with an all-hardware board. I initially discovered the Dwarf through loopop’s video, and later found the live USB image, which was enough to convince me the approach could work.

I play bass in Bosse-de-Nage, and my existing rig does dirt/distortion, some drone/ambience (courtesy of the EHX Superego) and sample playback. So far the Dwarf seems like it should be able to replicate most of this, and perhaps unlock some extra areas I haven’t explored much (for example, the Cardinal and DIE Fluid Synth plugins are both very intriguing).


Welcome! I recently checked out the LiveUSB distro and am tempted to start using that in addition to my Dwarf as a standalone Cardinal synth system.


Hi and welcome!

I think the Dwarf gives you a lot of options for that, combined in one device.
It’s a real tinkerers device and if you’re up to some experimenting, you’ll have a great time :smiley:

See you around!


Welcome on board @ammonia! :slight_smile:

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions that you may have and share with us your pedalboards and videos of your setups :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum, @ammonia.

From what you describe, I am confident the Dwarf can be what you’re looking for. It might however require some time tinkering. As simple as building a pedalboard can be, you may find yourself digging deeper and deeper and uncovering capabilities you did not think possible before.

You may find some (mostly former) users’ posts in which they lash out at the Mod “not sounding the way I expected”, but given that most music stores in the US have in average 10-15%* of sold items returned to them because “it didn’t sound the way I expected” – and that includes $1000+ units, don’t let the first bump on the road deter you. This forum is full of nice and knowledgeable chaps, many of whom bass players, and they might always offer you a hand. Plus, MOD staff – like @jon above – are regulars and quite responsive.

(*It used to be 30% back in the 2000s, but that went down when stores started charging 5% restocking fees.)

The DIE specifically is a MIDI instrument, so you’d need to trigger it from a midi-capable bass.

(Last year I did an internal installation of a midi system for a bass player, just so she could trigger loops by hitting some notes on her bass.)


Oh, I’m already deep into that particular rabbit hole, so no worries there.

Sure, I meant more as a synth engine I that could plug a keyboard controller into as an extra source of sounds that didn’t originate from the bass signal.

