But, you could install for example 4.9.2 in parallel:
Yes, maybe, or you could try to make it logarithmic
Drive = vslider(“Drive[name:Drive]”, 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(1) : LogPot(5) : smooth(s);
were 5 is the logarithmic level, lower value means lower logarithmic.
Yes, the clipping function I mention is a basic one, it suites only for levels between 1.0 to -1.0
so, when in high gain, you need a preclip to this level like
preclip = min(1.0) : max(-1.0);
transmogrifox (rakkarrack) posted lately a nice sounding asymmetric clipping function in the guitarix forum which do hard limiting and soft clipping ( this one is in C but could easy adopted to faust):
float sqr(float x)
return x*x;
float clip1(float x)
float thrs = 0.8;
float nthrs = -0.72;
float f=1.25;
//Hard limiting
if(x >= 1.2) x = 1.2;
if(x <= -1.12) x = -1.12;
//Soft clipping
if(x > thrs){
x -= f*sqr(x - thrs);
if(x < nthrs){
x += f*sqr(x - nthrs);
return x;
I’m myself prefer the use of a interpolated clipping table. Check out my plugs on github to see how I do it.
Oh, lately, I ain’t wone add more plugs to guitarix, that’s one of the reasons why I’ve started the github GxPlugs project. Guitarix already contain to much plugs, it becomes a pain to maintain the source, I plan to outsource a couple of them to GxPlugs.
But, maybe you wont to join the GxPlugs project on github? If so, I’ll give you write access there.
I’ll try that, if it works, I’ll add it.