DISTRHO - Cardinal Mini

That’s awesome so I can just make patches in my browser, save them and open them in Cardinal Mini on the mod?

eventually, yes. for now there is no way to copy&paste into the MOD plugin, or import a file. but something I hope to figure out soon.


awesome! having the mutible plugs would make this complete :open_mouth:

Another suggestion… a slew/portamento module please


Plugin has been updated on beta store, now using 22.07 matching the upcoming release in a few days.
The important change is full screen requests now fully working.
There is still the issue of using text editor module causing potential patch breakage, will investigate that more at a later time.

@Blindsmyth this 22.07 version now has Bogaudio AD in the mini variant, as you requested.


Thanks for this upgrade! I apreciate adding the ad envelope :raised_hands::raised_hands:

Hey I’m trying to get midi into this but neither the gate nor the voct input give out anything. I checked that its the right midi channel in the host midi module. Any Idea?

Try connecting the plugin output to your speakers. The visuals in the plugin window may not fully update.

right, the mini GUI will not react to MIDI signals, though it reacts to audio and CV.
so it could appear as if it is doing nothing.

Ah yes that was it! I saw the gui react to the oscilator but not the gate from the midi input. Thanks!


Hows this coming along?

it is not. tricky situation and other priorities come into play.


Hi! Just updated to 23.10.9 to discover plugin is not working. No modules are visible.
I am with Dwarf 13.3 and Ubuntu 22.04.
CardinalFX and Cardinal seems to work as before

Works fine here on my DUO X LE

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Ok. I`ll have a check again today.

Did a check. seems to work fine on my DuoX, but Dwarf shows the strange behaviour as before. No plugins visible in the Gui. Tried to remove and re-install, but same behaviour. Here`s a screenshot. What should I do?

I am on Ubuntu 22.04 and Latest firmware on the Dwarf. Also latest upgrade on CardinalMIni.

Hi all. The plugin was displayed normally from the beginning, but now it always has a graphical error (I don’t know how to fix it)
I have the same problem in both browsers. Win10
Mozzila and Chrome

5 posts were split to a new topic: Converting MIDI CC value to pitchbend

Any luck?