right, the mini GUI will not react to MIDI signals, though it reacts to audio and CV.
so it could appear as if it is doing nothing.
Ah yes that was it! I saw the gui react to the oscilator but not the gate from the midi input. Thanks!
Hows this coming along?
it is not. tricky situation and other priorities come into play.
Hi! Just updated to 23.10.9 to discover plugin is not working. No modules are visible.
I am with Dwarf 13.3 and Ubuntu 22.04.
CardinalFX and Cardinal seems to work as before
Works fine here on my DUO X LE
Ok. I`ll have a check again today.
Did a check. seems to work fine on my DuoX, but Dwarf shows the strange behaviour as before. No plugins visible in the Gui. Tried to remove and re-install, but same behaviour. Here`s a screenshot. What should I do?
I am on Ubuntu 22.04 and Latest firmware on the Dwarf. Also latest upgrade on CardinalMIni.
Hi all. The plugin was displayed normally from the beginning, but now it always has a graphical error (I don’t know how to fix it)
I have the same problem in both browsers. Win10
Mozzila and Chrome
Any luck?
Hi! Thanks again for this great plugin! I was thinking that the Nimbus plugin from SurgeXT could be a great contribution to Cardinal Mini, since it`s original Clouds from Mutable Instruments has become somewhat popular with ambient and experimental guitarists.
why not, we are already using surge there so enabling more plugins from them doesnt take too much space.
So now in 24.05 there is Nimbus in Cardinal Mini, updated in the beta store as usual.
Thanks for a great addition to the plugin! If Surge doesn`t take much space I would love to see more of those modules! I already use some with the Cardinal FX/Cardinal plugins. Mapping is perhaps a thought more fiddly, but it really seems to sync very well, mostly, with the standalone/daw/jack versions. However I get the impression that the plugins use less CPU with Cardinal Mini. Is there some special optimalization going on with the Cardinal Mini?
not at all, they come from the same exact build. one simply has many less modules
Ok I see. . However I am having trouble with Cardinal Mini after the new update. It`s crashing when using the Nimbus plugin on both DuoX and Dwarf. Seems to work fine with Cardinal and Cardinal FX. And after comparing more closely I prefer to use these, as the ability to save the pedalboard on my PC is quite a substantial feature. However I am curious what the “deploy to remote” function does? Can we expect the possibility to transfer patches back and fourth with standalone version?
The deploy to remote is for ensuring consistent state between the UI and the DSP side.
VCV Rack was not created with a remote interface in mind, the current approach I put in place for Cardinal Mini tries to detect changes made in the UI and automatically send them to the DSP side. But some actions like right-click menu options are not possible to detect, so this “deploy to remote” action is there to ensure the state between UI and DSP is in sync.
To be more technical, the UI runs its own full blown instance of Cardinal together with a fake audio backend just to get animations going. The “audio” there runs at 60Hz which is low enough to not use too much CPU and also fast enough to get graphics like the Scope to still work as if they were dealing with the real audio.
Plugin has been updated to 24.09 matching latest release Release 24.09 · DISTRHO/Cardinal · GitHub
I can see an issue with Nimbus on a Dwarf with the Cardinal Mini. It is not that it crashes, but something happens on the UI side that makes it lockup. So it is something related to the web UI version.
Refreshing the page a few times kinda works, need to investigate this a bit more later.
For the topic of Cardinal Mini, the latest v1.13.5 MOD OS release includes the fix for the lost of state when using the text editor module. So this plugin runs a bit more stable now.
I want to push this to stable soon-ish, see 2 blockers:
- Nimbus cant really be used yet
- high-dpi support got broken by mistake, verified on both Linux and macOS.