Arduino footswitch - snapshot fx LED status

I’m using a DIY arduino controller with 19 footswitches and corresponding led’s. I am able to control the effects and turn the leds on/off on my controller.
I am also able to switch the snapshots by using fsw 1 - 4.

However the led’s do not turn on when I change the status of the effect in the Dwarf GUI. Nor do they react to the change in snapshots. (the fx turn on but the led’s do not)

How can I make the GUI send out cc messages so that when I change snapshots the corresponding lights go out or on? The same with GUI: turn effect on → led goes on.

Is this possible? (my footcontroller is capable of receiving midi messages. In GigPerformer on pc it works like described above)

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You can’t assign a parameter in both places, you have to chose 1 switch or 1 midi message, but for now it (sadly) can’t be both.
There are so much requests about this in this forum :

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